Loonies in Australia

I've never understood the anti gunners in Australia. Australia has always had a riflemans kind of culture and, I may be wrong, but I never thought of Australia as having a lot of violent crime that would make people anti gun.
And the protesters were from the Queensland Centre for Intellectual and Developmental Disability - how appropriate.
And the protesters were from the Queensland Centre for Intellectual and Developmental Disability - how appropriate.

Our tax dollars are paying the wages of these dingbats. :mad:
People that do things like that must be miserable and a real drag to be around. I wager whiny and nervous too. In need of a happy pill.
Didn't the Australian cops kill Rodney William Ansell, the man the "Crocodile Dundee" movies were based on, when he resisted giving up some recently banned firearms to them.
I understand there was more to it than that. I understand like a lot of our Aboriginals he had severe alcoholism problems and a violent history.

He would otherwise have had no difficulty qualifying for a gun licence- given his work in primary production and access to tribal lands.
Missing the Point

He would otherwise have had no difficulty qualifying for a gun licence

Obtaining a gun license there isn't same or even close to what we have here. You can't own a handgun unless you are part of a handgun club the shoots matches, if I remember correctly. The limits of even the gun licenses are insane. Nev C I believe has a link that outlines the "legalities" of owning a firearm.

This is what it is comming to here gentilmen, every small baby step for just the smallest bit of gun control, is a win. Every baby step, is still a step.

"We just want you to register your guns, so that we know how many there are" or whatever. Ask Canada about registration. Ask the Aussies. "They" want'em, and slowly but surely, they're comming to get'em.
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It would not have been a handgun that he had. These have been virtually impossible to get legally here other than for target shooters (since the 1920's).

I seem to remember in his case the Police were after him to round up guns after an alcohol related domestic turned nasty.

I am no friend of Australian gun laws, hell I earn a good part of my living fighting them, but however way one looks at it guns, domestic violence and heavy drinking don't mix...