Looky here, gun control not a big issue for CT


New member
I was looking for my local (US) congresspersons web page and was surprised to find a cute little survey made in 1998. 13,500 people from CT responded to the various questions, ranging from the environment to taxes.
Of particular interest was the "What is the most important issue for Congress to address?"
Balance the bugdet, taxes, blah blah blah. But guess what issue did not even get 5% of the votes and barely made the top 20 response? Gun control. 13,500 CT residents told the federal gov't that gun control is not an important issue for them. Where is the media blitz on this survey? Where are the "fact-finding" reporters writing articles on this? Oh yeah, the facts are good, only when it proves their anti-gun agenda.

here is the link for those interested.
http://www.house.gov/shays/welcome.html Just follow the link to the rep's home page and then to the questionaire.

Also, to search for other gun control related sites in your US Reps state, go to the House of Reps, search engine at http://www.house.gov/house/MemStateSearch.htm

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
Not a surprise to "us" but to the general masses who don't know any better, they listen to the likes of Feinstein...

Here is a twist to think about: I was called for one of those surveys asking me "what the #1 issue is today" and I said (to the ears of the surveyor) "Gun Control".
She asked "Oh, so you want more gun control"" I said, "NO, I want LESS".
So, keep in mind, just because the survey says that XX amount of people see gun control as a major issue, does not always mean that they are meaning that they want MORE gun control, they may want it abolished like I do but it still is a major issue to them.