Looks like they will make a buck on confiscated weapons


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WEAPONS FROM the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) that were
supposed to have been surrendered to Nato troops are on sale in Britain.

The Independent has learnt that arms dealers in the United Kingdom have
been offered up to 140 tons of high explosive as well as rocket-propelled
grenades, automatic weapons and illegal anti-personnel mines.

Inquiries in London and Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, have confirmed that
the trade in arms is thriving, in spite of a commitment made by KLA leaders
at the end of the Nato campaign to hand in their forces' weapons.

Last night, Robin Cook, the Foreign Secretary, was urged to take immediate
action to stem the flow of weapons. Alan Simpson, Labour MP for
Nottingham South, said: "I think the people of Britain will be horrified to find
that the Kosovars we helped are now sending their armshere. It is up to the
Foreign Secretary to remind the KLA that it signed an agreement at the end
of the war to surrender its arms, not sell them for profit."

It is understood a number of dealers are acting as agents for the KLA. Last
week, an Englishman based in the Channel Islands was offering to sell AKM
and AK-74 assault rifles, Russian-made anti-tank RPG-7 rocket- propelled
grenades, and M2HB Browning heavy machine-guns. In addition, he said
Claymore anti-personnel mines were available at $60 (pounds 38) each,
instead of the more usual price of $200. These above-ground devices, which
unleash a wave of more than 4,000 ball-bearings when detonated, are illegal
in Britain.

A British businessman with a legitimate history in ordnance was offered the
weapons but turned them down. He told The Independent that more than
140 tons of TNT explosive was also on sale, at $20 a kilo. That, he said, was
twice the usual market rate but he was told no licence or paperwork would
be required. "The first thing I was told was that the equipment was from the
KLA," he said. "I was surprised at the quality, amount and variety available -
given that Nato said the KLA is supposed to be handing in most of its

"I had not expected Claymores and I certainly did not expect the more
modern Russian assault rifles. I turned them down but they are being offered
to other dealers. Without a shadow of a doubt, some of this stuff will find its
way to the criminal fraternity." He said the middleman, reputed to be an
established, "respected" dealer, promised delivery anywhere.

In Pristina, an agent involved in the trade confirmed that weapons were
flooding out of the Serbian province and into the West. "There are plenty of
supplies and no difficulties getting it out," he said.

Lieutenant-Colonel Robin Hodges, a British Army spokesman in Pristina,
confirmed that all the weapon types on offer in the UK had also been
confiscated from KLA fighters in Kosovo. He added: "We are not surprised
to hear reports of KLA arms turning up in Germany and Britain. Although the
border with Serbia is policed by Nato, other borders are open, and there is
no shortage of guns in Kosovo at the moment."

Under its agreement with Nato, the KLA is supposed to hand over all its
arms, with some minor and specific exceptions, by 20 September.

Rachel Harford, a spokeswoman for the Campaign Against the Arms Trade,
said: "This demonstrates the need for tighter international control of these
weapons and shows the ease with which shady networks and brokers can
peddle their wares to gangsters, dictators and oppressive regimes."

The Foreign Office and Customs and Excise said that they were not aware of
KLA arms reaching Britain.

API released a photo last week showing weapons turned in by the KLA. My wife came rushing into the room to see what all the swearing was about. The photo showed table after table of ancient bolt action rifles. Guess like all buy backs the good stuff ends up elsewhere.

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Cool. When you can't get guns legally...

I offer neither pay nor quarters nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not his lips only, follow me.
-Giuseppe Garabaldi