Looks like the Pres is taking one heck of a vacation before he leaves office.

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Dec. 24 (Bloomberg) -- President George W. Bush's diplomatic passport will acquire a slew of new country stamps during his final year in office as he tries to rebuild the U.S.'s international standing and create a foreign-policy legacy beyond Iraq.

The president plans trips to the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America, which would make 2008 his busiest year abroad. While his major domestic initiatives may get stalled by a Democratic majority in Congress and the gridlock caused by election-year politics, he still has an opportunity to exert his influence overseas.

``When it comes to foreign policy, he's not a lame duck; he can do a lot,'' said Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, who served as director of policy planning at the State Department until June 2003.

Bush, 61, came into the White House promising a humble foreign policy and eschewing nation-building and foreign entanglements. That changed after the Sept. 11 attacks, when he adopted a style supporters hail as visionary and critics call cowboy diplomacy.

While the president will strive to strengthen alliances, it won't come at the expense of continuing to prosecute the war on terror, said Jim Jeffrey, the deputy White House national security adviser.

``We want to be well-perceived in the world,'' Jeffrey said in an interview. ``But more importantly, we want to formulate policies that will protect the American people.''

Travel Itinerary

In early January, Bush flies to Israel for his first visit as president. While in the region, he also will visit the West Bank, Kuwait, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The trip is a follow-up to the Israeli-Palestinian talks that the U.S. hosted in Annapolis, Maryland, last month.

In February, Bush will tour Africa, where U.S. public health initiatives are popular. That will be followed by an April North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in Romania, a June U.S.-European summit in Slovenia, a July meeting of Group of Eight leaders in Japan, the summer Olympics in China and a November Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Peru. Bush is likely to visit other, nearby countries during those trips.

Many presidents focus on international affairs in their final year as a way to compensate for their waning influence at home. For Bush, it's unlikely to provide an escape.

``Bush also has problems at home, but he has even bigger problems with the rest of the world,'' said Andy Kohut, president the Pew Research Center in Washington.

Attitudes Overseas

A Pew study of public opinion in 47 nations found ``extensive'' anti-Americanism and ``increasing disapproval'' of the cornerstones of U.S. foreign policy.

A perception that Washington acts unilaterally was shared by 89 percent of the French, 83 percent of Canadians and 74 percent of Britons. America's image in most Muslim nations is ``abysmal,'' Pew said.

The exception, Pew found, is Africa, where the U.S. image remains positive, especially in Ethiopia and Kenya.

Given such results, ``going around the world won't make things necessarily worse'' because ``it's difficult to see how they could be any worse,'' said Ivo Daalder, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and former national security council aide in the Clinton administration.

Bush will have considerable U.S. public support for trying to improve the nation's image abroad, according to Joseph Nye, a political scientist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who co-chaired a study of U.S. foreign policy in November.


``There's a thirst in the country to restore America's standing in the world, a feeling that we've been unbalanced in our approach,'' Nye said.

The report of the commission headed by Nye and Richard Armitage, a former deputy secretary of state under Bush, said the U.S. must reinvigorate multilateral alliances and abandon its post-Sept. 11 ``angry face.''

Democrats long have criticized Bush's doctrine of pre- emptive war to prevent terrorist attacks and the rhetoric he used to confront adversaries such as Iran. Some of the president's fellow Republicans have started to call for a reversal as well.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, 52, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, wrote in the January/February edition of the journal Foreign Affairs that the administration's ``arrogant bunker mentality has been counterproductive at home and abroad.''

Jeffrey rejected the idea that Bush acts unilaterally, citing the multilateral talks with Iran and North Korea.


``The model is multilateral: Form a coalition of countries,'' Jeffrey said. ``This is what people accuse us of not doing. We're doing it all over the world.''

As Bush engages in global diplomacy between now and Jan. 20, 2009, he and his counterparts will be doing ``a very fine calculation,'' said Jim Steinberg, dean of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas in Austin, who served as former President Bill Clinton's deputy national security adviser.

He said some world leaders will prefer to deal with Bush rather than his successor, who will be an unknown quantity. Others, he said, will wait to deal with the next president, setting up ``an interesting dynamic at the end of an administration.''

To contact the reporter on this story: Edwin Chen in Washington at echen32@bloomberg.net .


If he really was interested in improving relations with other countries, I think he ought to stay home and try to keep his mouth closed. I guess he just wants a nice vacation paid by the taxpayers before he leaves office... I am sure he thinks he deserves it.
Being the Pres has got to be a no win job today. Politics and news people are so hostile that I'd don't know if we'll have anyone in place in the near future that will be approved by the masses. I'm sure GB will be ready to spend some quiet time down on the ranch. Notice how 8 years took a toll on Clinton & GB, they both look the worse for wear. Let him enjoy his final year, maybe Hillary will do a better job of keeping us safe from harm.

GB may not have been perfect but we have had no more 9/11's. Not sure Bill C. could have done the job forced on the current Pres. It's not a job I'd want, especially for 8 years.
Traditional for presidents to use the last year of their term traveling. I think they are working the crowds for speaking gigs and donations for libraries.
George Bush already has the record for vacation time. iirc he beat the record for two termers while he was still in his first term.
Now he's just running up the scoreboard to keep his record out of reach for future contenders.
If more politicians stayed out of DC we would all be much better off. They should only meet every 2 years for maybe 5 months.
If he really was interested in improving relations with other countries, I think he ought to stay home and try to keep his mouth closed.
And then he would be criticized for ignoring the rest of the world. Being President has got to be the most thankless and miserable job in the country.
Being President has got to be the most thankless and miserable job in the country.

Nah, if that was true no one would ever run for a second term. Its only thankless and miserable if you squander your opportunity.
If more politicians stayed out of DC we would all be much better off. They should only meet every 2 years for maybe 5 months.

Hurrah! Texas shows the way. I agree. Fewer meetings, less tree burning (less papers printed in anticipation of legislation) and less waste of taxpayers' dollars.
Beginning now, it is no longer just a suggestion that those who see only in black in white voluntarily leave the forum. Those members who engage in puerile bickering, drive-by cut and paste posting, or who just generally add to the noise level will be banned from L&P for a period of time to be determined by staff on a case-by-case basis. There will be no warnings and no appeals. This is necessary if we are to successfully raise the bar.

Other then a strained effort to Bush Bash what is the topic of this thread? Just a cut-and-paste OP with an insinuation of it being a vacation. As stated, this is very common for Presidents in their last year in office.

Is the topic "Just kickin' the Prez around fer fun" or is it "look, I found an article by people that hate Bush talks about Bush being stoopid and that America looks stoopid how stoopid huh."?

Thought we were raising the bar.

This and the RP is fabulous/crooked threads are making it more 'noisy' here then smart/spirited debate that initially made this site THE political forum to read and contribute to. We are even getting the re-hashing of the Civil War AGAIN. South lost, it's OVER, accept that those blacks are not longer property and that the South IS part of the United States.

Got Substance?
I think this is just another example of how he is spending (ie, wasting) taxpayer money in what is surely to be a failed attempt at improving his image before leaving office. Seriously, considering his foreign policy over the last 7 years, how could he think a field trip is going to improve his image in the eyes of the world? There are so many things he could have done differently along the way if he was worried about America's image.

I think Bush did what he thought was right throughout his two terms. A last minute effort to try to convince the rest of the world he was right is not going to work, and is a waste of money. I wonder how many millions of dollars will be spent this year on his travel expenses?

I guess one man's "noise" is another man's righteous indignation when his tax money is wasted on absurdity.
Hurry!! Make the thread look relevant. Put in some comments that should have been in the OP! PLEASE IGNORE:
Unregistered said:
Nah, if that was true no one would ever run for a second term. Its only thankless and miserable if you squander your opportunity.

The steering the rational posts back TO Bush Bash was UNINTENTIONAL!
Let's get real now. It's 'surly a wasted effort' and a 'field trip' and a 'last minute effort' waste of money.

I thought diplomacy was what the bashers thought Bush was supposed to be doing more of.

Well since it's so obvious that improving diplomatic relations would obviously be a wasted effort then it is truly legitimate that this field trip is a waste of time and money and isn't just a Bush Bash fiesta.

Thank you for the clarification. And I thought it was just noise..........
I thought diplomacy was what the bashers thought Bush was supposed to be doing more of.

Nah, I think most folks realized Bush wasn't the man for that job a long time ago. I just wish he'd quit wasting money; the vacation trips are just the lastest example.

I think I have every right to criticize; I voted for him twice after all. Its only Bush bashing if it is undeserved, or based on lies. There's plenty of legitimate ground for criticism. Its just strange to me that he would think he could treat the world community like crap for 7 years, then do a good will trip in his last year, and somehow salvage his image from that. I guess its the best he could come up with. He really needs Karl Rove back.
AV50Gary - Don't know how other states do it but in Texas the state legislature meets every other year from January to June i believe. This forces them to prioritize bills and keeps the damage to a minimum. The govenor has very limited power.

Our Federal Gov't should function this way.

One last thought... anytime I think the current Pres may not be doing his job correctly, I tend to reflect back on the man he replaced.
I can't understand why anyone would even think that going on lengthy official trips is a "vacation". The president, no matter who, puts in long hours, and there are no "days off". While the pay is "okay", it isn't "great"! Bill Clinton was making $200,000 annually when he was in office....he's now making somewhere between $10 and $80 million, just for being a former president! Many top CEO's make $400 million per year!

I knew several presidential security Secret Service agents when Reagan was president. They all said that they hated it when Reagan would take a "vacation" at the "Western White House" in Southern California. Why? It was because the president doesn't stop being the president just because they're not in Washington....they just try to pack in some recreational time on top of their already-busy schedules. One SS agent said that he got tired just from watching Reagan chop firewood....at age 76!
Its just strange to me that he would think he could treat the world community like crap for 7 years, then do a good will trip in his last year, and somehow salvage his image from that.
You're entitled to your own opinions but you aren't entitled to your own facts. How come the German, British and even French leaders don't agree with you? How much money did W send to Africa for Aids? Our Afghan efforts didn't help the world? Many see Iraq the same way, especially the Iraqis. The list goes on, believe whatever you want but don't speak for the planet, you are only an individual with opinions.
Yea, I am pretty sure I was just stating my opinion... I don't believe I ever claimed to be speaking for anyone else.

Anyway, I have re-thought my opposition to Bush travelling around visiting foreign countries. I think he should have done more of that, and spent less time in the US. The money it cost us to keep him travelling continuously would have been more than offset by not having him around messing with things like Medicare Reform, Campaign Finance Reform, etc.
Presidents always travel their last year in office. Nothing unusual about this at all. Every President in my lifetime has done this IIRC.
GB may not have been perfect but we have had no more 9/11's.

It saddens me that we seem to have entered an era where "number of catastrophic terrorist attacks" might actually be a major determinant in how we view what kind of job the President has done.

That said:

Presidents always travel their last year in office. Nothing unusual about this at all. Every President in my lifetime has done this IIRC.

Pretty much. And while most of us would swiftly volunteer for the job, what he's doing actually is part of his "work." I was, and still am, one of the ones complaining about how much time he spent back in Texas (if you don't want to live in Washington, don't run for President!)...but this? Seems like a non-issue to me.
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