Looks like Tancredo is gone

on top of that, he was pretty much running on one issue, albeit an important one. you cant win the presidency on a single issue. it is a shame, as far as i know he was a pretty conservative candidate. funny how all the truly conservative candidates are "third tier".
He said he would enter the race if no one else would carry the illegal immigration flag. Now every candidate has to deal with it. For all we know immigration MAY have ended Hillary's quest. I'd say to Tancredo, " Well done!"
With Tancredo gone I fear that that illegal immigration issue with fade from the discussion. Republican leaders have been strangely unwilling to take on this issue and appear to be in agreement with the Democrats on allowing the problem to continue. The current funding bill that appears to be ready to go the President further dilutes the border fence bill passed last year, and seems destined to eliminate this fence almost completely. The only Republican who still is talking about border security is Duncan Hunter, who clearly has no shot at all for the nomination. My only consolation is that at 64 it is unlikely that I will live long enough to see the total degradation of this country into a third world culture as the American identity is overwhelmed by illegal immigrants.
I will be curious to see who he endorses. Like many upthread, I was a big fan of Tancredo, even though I knew he had no chance. But I believe he made his mark.
We could do much worse than Mitt. Flip flopper or not, he's been impressing me in the debates. I'd say of the front runners, Tancredo made a wise choice.
Romney's a flip flopping Rino who "would sign an AWB if elected", and he's for amnesty and no border fence.

Tancredo should have endorsed Fred Thompson, who is right on all the issues.
Tancredo wasn't going to do well after those really bad tv adverts he did. He went way too over the top on them and killed his campaign right there.

Mitt Romney support of an awb, open borders and so on, isn't too different from other Republican presidents in the past. He is the Mormon Reagan. He is slightly more conservative than say Clinton. He is pro-abortion/anti-abortion depending on who he speaks with, but like every other president since it was legalised, won't touch the issue with a broomstick. It is just too good an issue to bring up every election issue to con people into voting. I wish he would drop the bs issue of abstinence only education.

Still he is a better choice than the likes of Guiliani or Huckabee.
He did what I expected him to do.....be a good Party man and endorse a "front-runner"....but Tancredo was pretty liberal on some issues, anyway.

Now I'm afraid that Hunter may do the same....to be a good Party man.... :mad: