Looks like its casting weather at last


New member
Finnaly the weather has gotten cool enough, and I am on vacation for a few more days. Mrs. M&P is at work. So the Big Dipper is on with a full pot. My mold is preheating. Gonna drop a few 158 grain LSWC for the Mod 67-1. I am down to 80 left so it is time to replenish. After I think I am gonna go to the range to shoot up the last 80, and some rifle rounds.

I may upload some pics if I can get my phone camera to work right.
I took advantage of being in town last weekend and the cooler weather to blend up 50+ pounds of a new to me alloy to hopefully keep the strength and malleability in check for some magnum HP loads in my 41, and 44.

It's just a touch harder than what I am going to use in my 45 Colt at or around 1K fps. Figuring the other two hit mid 1200fps and a little more with my more accurate loads I am hopeful the newer alloy will hold up.

I gave half of it to my hunting pardner to pour up as well so one or the other of us can be working on something useful. I also managed to pour up a number of the MP 41-258's and some of the Ranch Dog C432-240 RFN's to play with as well.
That`s the truth !!!!

Our first frost was yesterday mornin ,very lite & patchy (except for my windshield)

I have a new batch of LINO & need 6mm rifle bullets ,I`ll be at the Mag20 for a few hrs. or have plans to ,now that I`ve said it I`m jinxed:eek::confused:

Bet a pepsi it never happens :rolleyes:
Sounds like some people cast outdoors!? Not me! Inside in my man cave, taking advantage of central air to make boolits year around. I DO cast more in the winter, even with the air on it gets warm back there.

I alloy or the wrong term, smelt, outdoors. So now is the time to do a batch of that.
Since I got an electric pot I can cast inside if I want to. The thing is I live in a rent house. The AC can barely keep up on hot days. If I were to cast inside all I would need is a couple of rocks, and some water to turn the house into a sauna. :eek:

I prefer on nice days to cast outside anyway.

Well no casting today. I am going to shoot today, tomorrow, and Sunday. The last 3 days of my vacation.:D
Enjoy ya down time while ya can m&p , be safe!

I`m in the process of drawing up a set of plans for my man caves casting station so I can even smelt indoors , can you invision a squrriel cage fan ventalation system ??
I can do my casting inside the shop with a fan directing the smoke from fluxing and what ever other fumes out the back door. While it is sucking out the fumes, I have another pushing the cooler air form the 2 ton window unit around the rest of the shop to keep things at a nice temp.

Doin up a batch of alloy or ingots on the other hand, is strictly an outdoor proposition. Too much smoke from the added amount of fluxing don't sit well with the wife as it drifts through the house.