Looks like I’m getting a MT tag this year!


New member
I can’t wait. My first MT deer in 20 years.

I will probably take the 300 WSM to hunt with....it is s bit heavy, but time is tight!

So, my main question now is how do I get the meat home. I’m flying. I’ll have a rifle case and a suitcase. Should I box up the meat in a cooler? I’ve heard dry ice is a no go on the air plane....true?

Also, I wonder if there is anyway the meat will be done. Maybe shipping is better. How have you shipped meat?
I was on a elk hunt last yr in Utah. A guy from Georgia was there that flew in. His meat was elk was taken to a processer and flash frozen then shipped home.

Processed and flash frozen works well. WHen I have flown fish home from AK the airline would "look the other way" with regard to dry ice......prolly not these days that was a long time ago.

Double boxed and flash frozen you will be good to go. Crumpled newspaper works well. Box crumpled newspaper around box, then another box and sealed up tight. That should be adequate for anywhere lower 48 wise.
I bought back bunches of fish from Alaska. Like other I had my fish frozen packed it in wax boxes and put them in checked baggage. We flew South West because it was cheaper on the baggage fees. Good luck on your hunt.
Just another reason not to fly. I flatly refuse to hunt (or even visit) any place I can't drive to.
You do know that the most dangerous part of a 5000 mile trip is the drive home from the airport.
500 miles is my limit, if it's more than 500, I am flying.
Not an issue with guns or with fish or meat. They sell airline approved fish boxes in Alaska with a seal on them. Freeze the fish toss them in with an ice pack and you are good. They store them inside the aircraft where it’s cold. My fish were frozen solid every time and Alaska to New York State is a long flight