Looking to purchase chronometer


New member
Looking for some feedback/reviews on Chronometers. I would prefer to not spend more than $150.00 on one but also don't want a POS either. Thanks in advance for your advice.
I am constantly amazed by the lack of research people do before the ask about chronographs.
It only takes typing the word in a search engine. Gather some facts and then ask somewhat informed questions.

It makes it a lot easier for everyone including yourself.
I am constantly amazed by the lack of research people do before the ask about chronographs.
It only takes typing the word in a search engine. Gather some facts and then ask somewhat informed questions.

It was a rather simple question Mark. I'm looking for a chrony and thought I could get some advice here. I have done some research with mixed reviews and results. What part of my question did you not understand?

Chronometer (a time piece), or a chronograph (to measure bullet velocity)?

A chrono is a time piece. The bullet speed is measured by time between two points. Please look up the definition of Chronograph and you will find that it refers to watches and time pieces.
I have one of the original PACTs. It has always worked fine. There are fancier models from everyone now with more bells and whistles but i can still write things on a card and keep up with it so i see no reason to replace mine.
C.E.D. calls their ballistic measuring device a chronograph:

As does Chrony:

As for the definition of a chronometer:

As to your question of wanting to buy a bullet velocity measuring device, what ever it's called, the low priced Chronys do a credible job.
I've had one of the basic ones for decades.
As long as it's not shot, it will work just fine.
Mines been wounded a few times without damage.
All of them are a little finicky with light sources, though.
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I strongly suggest that you consider a two piece unit, i.e. a unit with the computer separated from the sensor screens such as Shooting Chrony's Beta Master chrono. There are two advantages to this, both important. First, you want the readout and controller to sit on the bench with you so you can see the display and operate it without having to walk downrange to the sensor. Second, if you accidentally hit your chrono sensor or the steel upright legs, you'll only damage the sensor and not the computer, hence your replacement cost for just the sensor is lower than a complete new chrono.

This Beta Master Shooting Chrony:


Not This Beta Shooting Chrony:


Get some plastic soda straws and black tape to mark 4" and 6" above the sensor. The plastic soda straws because they are both cheap and it struck, won't damage the sensor package if struck. You see, the steel rods are inserted into a plastic housing and if struck, they'll almost certainly break the housing. The tapes are reference points indicating the height above the sensors that the bullet should pass. Also, I'd recommend typing up a short list of functions on the top of the box so you can refer to it while shooting.


If you need to put the sky screen's up, I suggest that you take a second set of soda straws, fold a sheet of paper in two long ways, and tape your extension soda straw to the middle of each end. Then all you have to do is insert one straw into each of your marked legs and you've got a set that is super cheap to replace should you accidentally hit one.


The reason you want to do this is like flying a retractable wheel airplane, it's not a question of if your sensor get's hit somewhere, it's a question of when. Also, don't let your friends shoot through your chrony, you do it for them. I made that mistake already. He only had to pay the $50 for another sensor unit rather than the cost of the entire unit.

Good tip with the straws.
I've been using cardboard with windows.
The straws are better.
Nothing blocking the view.
Lots better view downrange, too.