Looking to purchase AK 47 -Several questions

Hi all,

This is my first post here.

I'm looking purchase an AK 47. I'm looking into the riffle because as I'm sure you've heard a million times, I'm looking to purchase a SHTF riffle and the prices are in my range. The riffle apeals to to because it has a reputation of being a reliable gun that goes bang everytime you shoot, and I'm under the impression that parts are readily available. I want it to be functional, and to be that way for as long as I need it to be. I don't care all that much about appearance/ finish.

I'm looking into two riffles:

The Vector arms bulgarian AK 47 http://www.atlanticfirearms.com/storeproduct906.aspx

The Arsenal AK47 Rifle SGL 21-61

Do any of you have experience with these riffles?

I the the arsenal, and was leaning towards that until I read that alot of the parts such as the bolt and bolt carrier are not exchangeable with other AKM variations- can anyone verify if this is true, and is it a major draw back. I'm leaning towards the vector because of the above reason, but I have yet to find an objective revierw on the Bulgarian AK that they assemble.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
You didn't list your state of residence but I would check out some local gun shows. You might find several AK's in the $500 range in wood stock.