Looking for specialized shoulder holster for P7M8

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Zach Vonler

New member
I have an idea for a carry method that I want to see if anyone else has run across a solution for. At this point, I think I'm probably going to have to make something myself, but I'm still hoping.

What I want is to carry a P7M8 in a vertical shoulder rig under a button down dress-type shirt. The trick, then, is that the holster needs to have thin enough straps and no protruding buckles etc so that it doesn't print through the shirt. I normally wear colored shirts, so the issue of just showing through doesn't concern me.

My current idea is to work on converting something like a belly band to work with a P7, and probably adding an over the shoulder strap for a little more stability. I also want to be able to carry an extra mag or two on my weak side, so that's a bit more modification.

Has anyone seen something ready made for this sort of scheme? Do you know of any custom holster makers that could pull it off?
The closest thing I can think of is the Kramer confidant shirt (check it out on www.kramerleather.com ). It's an undershirt/t-shirt that has a small holster stitched on the the shirt under the weak arm (high up under the armpit). It may suit your needs.
Hello Zach;
The P7M8 works very well in a shoulder rig, Lou Alessi's "Bodyguard" model being the best, and requiring only a vest for cover. I've tried homemade (self-made) rigs before, and they are usually only satisfactory if you're willing to put up with more discomfort than average, that is, unless you're already a master designer-tailor-leatherworker. The rig you outline might work with a "blousy" (loose) shirt, but I know of no one who can make one in which straps don't show at all. Ken Null makes an inverted vertical shoulder rig for this gun (model USH) with white polymer straps, which is fairly quick to access, if rather unbalanced (no "off side" mag pouches), and he WILL do custom work. You can contact him via his website at www.klnullholsters.com. Good luck.

"Potius sero quam nunquam."
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