looking for S&W 65 gunsmith east of miss.


New member
i am in SC and i am looking for someone to tune my modle 65.
i am reverting back to a 357 for a while as a duty gun. the thing is stock right now. i want to chamfer the cylinder, trigger/action job, bob the hammer and polish the forcing cone. maybe even get a red insert installed in place of the fixed post.
Given the type of work the perfomance center has been doing the last couple of years I would not trust them with a duty weapon. No offense Westshoot.
Harley, the Gunsmithing moderator here is located in GA.. Much closer to SC and he has never sold our rights down the river.

XX, I'm curious why you are going back to a .357 for a duty weapon. A wheelgun served me well throughout my career as a police officer and if I went back to work today it would be with another. But it is rare in this day and age for an officer to carry one.

Good luck,
XX, George Wessinger is in Chapin SC. He is a very good smith. Jim Stroh is outside of Atlanta. Both guys do first class work, but they are not inexpensive.

our director just decided that we either carry our glocks w/ an empty chamber or we use a "glockblock".
10 rd.s of 45 or 6 of 357?
i'll opt for the latter. if i cant do it w/ six then 4 more isnt gonna help.
got a # on mr. wessinger?
When I worked for KCPD we had some bone stooopid gun rules. But I've got to admit that this one takes the preverbially cake.:rolleyes:

Let me guess, this "director" has either never worked the "street" or it has been so long ago that he has forgotten what it is like.

XX, George is at 803-345-5677. He did a Colt for me several years ago and it was OK. Greg Hentschel (Columbia) is also doing some good work and is an LEO. I don't have his permission to post his number, so drop me a line and I'll give you the info.
