Looking for quick results on baiting a bear


New member
First year baiting in a bear, looking for some bait that will get them in quick. I have access to scraps from a steak house and maybe some old donuts and bread products which i know will work but just don't know how well. Hoping for some input from some knowledgable bear hunters
As a youngster I was aware that a Pick-A-Nick basket worket well!:D

You might try some molasses added to the pile. Sour corn would likely pull them in. The corn needs a minimum of 7 days at 70 degrees but 14 days would be better.

50 pounds of corn split 'tween 3, 5 gallon buckets, add one packet of yeast to each, slowly top with water to avoid losing yeast, refill after several hours as corn will absorb some. Lightly cover with lid *DO NOT SNAP LID SHUT AS IT MAY POP OFF CAUSING MESS AT MINIMUM AND INJURY OR DEATH AT WORST!!!* let set 7 days minimum.
Find an immovable rock or rock face with a crack in it.

Dump a bottle or two of honey into the crack, and make sure some gets where the bear can't get it out.

Put bacon grease on the ground around the area so that any bear that visits will step in it and spread the scent for other bears.

If there's bears in the area, they'll find it.

Used fryer oil from a McBurger joint works well.
If you have any way to get it, mercaptham is like cryptonite. Its the odor added to natural gas. Its was engineered to smell like dead, rotten flesh. One or two drops on a log is all you need. DO NOT SPILL IT ON YOURSELF!!!!!!:mad::confused: I speak from experience, takes about 3 weeks to stop stinkin'.
Watermelon and strawberrries also work well.

my dad has shot 2 bear as they were reaching for powdered sugar covered donuts hanging off a branch.

all the guides used a sour corn mash, molasses, and donut scraps, i saw none that used meat.
Popcorn is cheap and easy, pour some cheap pancake syrup over it. The bears have to stay at the bait site to eat, they can't drag it away. You can add all of the other stuff you have available, fish, beaver parts (available from a fur buyer if you don't trap) bacon grease, etc.
Go to a bakery outlet and get the old Cinnamon buns and Honey buns they collect after a week and then sell as day old goods. This really works very well.
If you can get ahold of some beaver carcasses, char them over a fire, then hang them just sorta', kinda' in reach.
Jello powder and Kool-Aid also work good.
The donuts and sweets work good, but you need something that takes a little work to hold 'em.
If your up for just pictures, cut a hole in a watermelon and pour in a bottle of everclear. They will lay around for hours til they digest the "happy melon". Before anybody jumps to conclusions, NO its not sporting, and NO I've never shot a bear off the "happy melon". It is funny though.:D
In all honesty we have had the beast of luck with horses. They cant take them and they last quite a while. About a week or so. Its important to keep a bait stocked while it is new, keeps the bears coming back. Hang the head by a cable or a rope and let it hang just out of reach.

good luck