Looking for people interested in filing suit against the City of Chicago.

I don't know if I'll be able to pull this off, but I'm going to try. I don't live in Chicago, but I drive through it. I'll need help with this. Does anyone know a good attorney who would take this? Does anyone have any good information about Bobby Rush, Mayor Daley or the other anti gun nuts in Chicago? Would anyone be willing to help? Any ideas?

Patrick Graham
I live 5 min from the Chicago border, but lived in Chicago my entire life. Not sure about a good attorney but I might be able to help with some info. Email me and let me know what kind of info you need. I have some connections with the chicago reform party, they may be able to recommend and attorney.
I live about a half hour from Chicago (Joliet), I haven't broken too many laws yet, so I'm not familiar with many attorneys, and I'm really hurtin' for cash right now, but if you can wait for a bit I'll help out some. But if it's gonna be soon, all I can lend is my presence at this time. I've already shot Daley a letter dealing with my misgivings on his lawsuit, but I haven't gotten any kind of response yet.
This would be a good fight to pick. Fight lawyer with lawyer. This would be much more productive than wrighting congressmen or throwing money at the GOP. This could be a real solid slap in the face of the RPC.
Post more information here enabling us to assist.
I suspect that if one really wants to turn the table on the Daley administration and its anticks against the gun industry, they need to put the gun issue aside. They must depose the hundreds of City contractors, agents, and individuals involved in Daley racketeering, thereby exposing the criminal behind this corruption.

The gun issue will soon become lost, when the list of indictments against the big City mayor force his resignation.

The Daley "machine" as was known of his father's administration is Richie's legacy. Break the legacy into small chunks, exposing the rotten centers. The trails all will lead to one man. End of story, end of Legacy II.
I agree Paul..

I think the weak point in chicago politics is people like bobby rush.

There must be a chink in the armour somewhere.

Do you have any novel ideas about how to proceed? There must be something that chicago can be sued for....

Patrick Graham
The problem with Chicago politics is that all the great possible candidates are too busy busting their asses at real jobs, trying to make a living, trying to pay the incredibly high taxes here.

What's left to choose from? Think about it, Jane (I'll live in the projects) Byrne, Harold (pantie wearing) Washington, and Richie "Adolph" Daley. All losers.

Expose Daley's corruption. That's the may to tumble his so called empire. Hint: One would ask while walking through O'Hare International Airport, "who cleans this place, I don't recognize the name of the company?" Well you see, Daley divised a scheme for one of his relatives to start up this new janitorial company to do O'hare. Think the bids were really sealed?

Check it out.
I was born and raised in Chicago, left in 78 never to move back. When this current nitwit mayor was trying to become a lawyer it took him like four tries to pass the bar exam. So it looks like his unfamiliarity with the constitution is a long standing problem. At least his father, King Richard I wasn't vehemently anti-gun. Although he was a dictator.
I go to chicago once every week or two. The thing that pisses me off is right before I croos the border on the skyway, I lock my gun up inside my truck and enter unarmed. When I come back, as soon as I cross the border, I put it right back on.

Chicago is a screwed up town. I run into cops on the streets and ask them why they carry guns? They say the bad guys have guns.
I say back to them, but I thought guns were not allowed in chicago? And they give me a funny look like I am crazy. Which just roves my point!
Hoosier boy. I'm from Indiana also. Here is what sacres me about chicago.

I'm under the impression at if we have a car wreck in Chicago, with a gun locked in the trunk and no valid illinois gun owner id we will be arrested.

Also, if you have an SUV you have no trunk to lock a gun in it is a felony.

That is a serious threat to out of state hunters traveling through chicago to hunt in wisconsin.

I wonder if there isn't a valid lawsuit in there somewhere

Next time, when crossing the border, just leave your weapon in place. Don't worry about perceived "Illinois Gun Laws". Read your 2nd Amendment again, put stress on the part that says, "shall not be infringed"!

Bad guys have guns because they DO NOT OBEY THE LAW. So why should good guys be disarmed?
Patrick I drive an extended cab pickup truck and all my friends think I am crazy, funny thing is they ask to borrow it all the time anyways I have a small compartment under the back seat and thats where I put it and for Paul revere, I agree totally in what you say, but In reality to infringement The cops won't go for it and I spend a day or night in jail with bubba, and risk losing my permit in Indiana. I think I will play it safe. Besides the police in chicago are not known for being honest and ethical!