Looking for other opinions


Hi all! I've been lurking nearly daily for a couple years and I've decided it was time to share/contribute in the wealth of advice that TFL offers!

I've been purchasing firearms at the rate of ~2/year for the last 3 years and previously I've been very decisive about what I wanted. Now that I have a good start, it's more difficult.

Here's what I have so far:

S&W 625 5in
Springfield XD40 w/ 22lr conv
Taurus 605 3in
10/22 takedown
870 super magnum
30-06 bolt action w/ scope
military surplus bolt action

Here's what's on the list of potential next purchases:

SR1911 or similarly equipped/priced 1911
Springfield XDs45
Super BlackHawk Hunter (44 mag)
AK47 or AK74 (most likely w/ folding stock in $750-$900 range)
(other suggestions are welcome, but I'd like most of the discussion on these)

Some basic info about me:
Mid 20s
I can't CCW at work
I primarily value firearms for hunting/fun sport (secondly for protection)
I hunt in the north woods and have seen black bear
I go to the range once every 5/6 weeks
I don't reload (might eventually reload 357 mag and/or 44 mag)
Not too concerned with budget (especially in an ammo sense)
I like grip safeties on handguns

Most of the people I know think I should either do the XDs45 or the AK47. I'm currently leaning towards the SBH hunter because I think it will be the most fun at the range.

Thanks for your time!
I don't see the value in another xd at this point. I'd look at the sr1911. But a little more info would be good. What do you like about guns you have? What don't you like? If you think you want hunt w a handgun I would agree w the Blackhawk
Looking at what you currently own I would say a nice semi auto centerfire rifle is in order so my vote is for the AK. I myself would go for the 47 if hunting was to be a function of it. Me? I am a Vepr fan.
But a little more info would be good. What do you like about guns you have? What don't you like?

I suppose I've always been a "one with the machine" kind of guy. Preferring manual cars and CLI on computers. In the same vein, I get much more enjoyment out of bolt actions and revolvers at the range (not that I don't enjoy a good auto loader!).

The S&W 625 because I personally think stainless, full underlug N-frames are very beautiful. There really isn't anything I dislike about it. However, it satisfies the itch very well so I'm not really feeling the need for a 629, etc. at this time.

XD40 fits my hand well and points very naturally. I like the ambi mag release (my dad shoots lefty), but I need to adjust my grip to hit the release. My hands tend to sweat pretty easily so I wish the grip texture was a bit more aggressive.

I ended up getting the Taurus 605 because I ran across a really good deal at my LGS. $325 + tax for the gun, a 2-handgun electronic safe, and a 6-month membership at my range. I had been planning on getting a S&W 642 or 638. The fit and finish is good enough to my novice eyes. My only complaint is that the DA and SA isn't as good as the Smith! (still very serviceable). It is a very comforting piece as .357 insurance vs wolves/bear if I'm not in the mood to hike with a shotgun.

The 870 is probably my least favorite gun (fit and finish and general appearance), but it's just a stop-gap for hunting until I decide to invest in a $2000+ SxS.

I really like all my rifles for what they are.

I want to eventually handgun hunt, but probably not for a few more years. The AK-47 would also probably not be used for hunting in the near future.

I agree with Targa that the AK would probably be a good addition to round out my current set. Also probably the best compromise between fun, hunting, and defense if needed.

The SR1911 is on the table because I've always greatly respected the platform and looks/ergonomics. The XDs would be a good candidate for CCW practice if I end up changing jobs. (Either would provide a 45 ACP auto loader to accompany the 625) Finally, it's probably the least practical, but SBHs have always "made my mouth water". Not sure why, it just does. :)

Thanks for the responses thus far.
I'd get the XDS.

If you buy any Springfield handgun before June 30th, they give you four free magazines, a holster and a mag pouch.


My rule of thumb for bucket lists is have a few options and jump on the best deal when it comes around.
I would suggest a 1911 in 9mm...you like the platform, its thinner than your double stacks where you said you had some grip size issues...and it could be a carry gun, a range gun, or both.

If you don't like the 9mm for some reason...you can certainly find a lot of them in .45 acp as well ( to go with your S&W 625 ).
Handgun hunting...depends on where and for what game...but a good single action revolver (or a double action revolver maybe) in at least a 6" - and up to an 8 3/8" or so barrel in .44 mag at least / longer sight plane helps to take precise shots --- in single action you have options of .44 Mag, 475 Linebaugh or .454 Casull ... ( I favor the Freedom Arms single actions, large frame, 5 shot ) but pick what fits your budget.
I've had my AK since the early 80's and would never be without it, but for actual shooting my AR-47 shoots so much better and is way more accurate. The AK is tons of fun though and is just plain cool.
IMHO, every handgun enthusiast should have a 1911. You already have one handgun in .45ACP, another would fit right in. As for a .44 mag, I prefer Smiths over Rugers. I'd suggest a P.C. model specific for hunting. They also are great range guns.
Dude... you need an AR. forget the commy gun, you could build an AR for under a grand with very high quality. Ive got just over a grand into this one


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The 625/1911 combo would be my choice for a few reasons, shared ammo being only one of them.
besides they are very nice shooters and feel well in my hand.

Add some moonclips and 1911 mags and it would be a hard decision to decide which one to take to the range.

( the answer is both)
everybody should own one 1911, if nothing else to see what all the fuss is about

everybody should own some type of good woods gun, especially if you bowhunt...so the 44 mag gets the nod (or a 10mm).

face it, you eventually are going to own one of all those lol, just buy the first good deal that comes along (and yeah need to add an ar to the list)
#1 - 1911 - maybe an SA Range Officer.
#2 - an AR instead of an AK - I find the AR more comfortable to shoot (fit for me is better).
Forget the AK/AR and go buy a CMP M1 Rifle while you still can. Hoops to jump through, but you'll have a safe rifle that's also a piece of history and will increase in value.
AK's of one sort or another will always be around. They're made for issue to illiterate conscripts who could be taught to use 'em as fast as possible, have poor sights and triggers and will cause you no end of unwanted attention if you hunt with it. Lotta places won't let you hunt with one anyway. Some you can't have it at all. So where you are matters.
Which milsurp bolt action?
I'd say 1911A1 Colt Series 70, since I'm spending your money. There are some on the auction sites that run approximately the same money as an SA RO.