Looking for IPDA leagues around the Phoenix Valley


New member
Ones that meet and compete on Sundays. The ones I found so far meet in the middle of the week when I work or on Saturdays when I sometimes work also.
I will be new to IPDA and never participated, so I'm looking for a league that is decent for new competitors who don't know what they are doing.

www.Phoenixrodandgun.org - Phoenix Rod and gun club (baseline and 7th ave)

www.riopractical.com Rio Salado range

http://www.cactusmatch.com/ - Ben avery range - Cant remember if they still do IDPA or not

There is a hell of a lot of USPSA shooting here in town. Some of the best shooters in the world for USPSA and IDPA live here. Tuesday night steel at Rio Salado is where all the big dogs hang out. Rio has the best matchs here in my opinion but I havent shot the other clubs in a few years.