Looking for information on my No4 Mk 2 rifle.


I am new to Lee Enfield rifles and would really appreciate any information on my new acquisition, can’t find much online, No4 Mk2 with serial number: A8260 and F56FTR under serial number. I am attaching a pictures of serial number and some other markings found on bolt and stock.

Thank you!!






Hi. It's the same rifle a No. 4 Mk I with the trigger attached to the receiver vs the trigger guard. Sadly, all the really good Lee-Enfield pages are gone.
Some markings are here. http://www.marstar.ca/html/reflibrary/LeeEnfieldManufacturerMarks.html
If you take out everything on the address after the .ca then go to the Reference Library under Help, there's more info. Not particularly good info though.
This one's pretty good. http://www.allaboutenfields.co.nz/history/markings/
Have a look here too. http://www.allaboutenfields.co.nz/no4s/no4-mk12-mk13-mk2-and-ftr/
Your's is in excellent condition. 56 FTR means Factory Through Repair(also means 80% of factory new). As in rebuilt in 1956 in the Fazakerly. That's not a bad thing. All the assorted flags, etc are factory proof marks. The stamp on the bolt head is a "Sold out of Service" stamp.
Pictures of the markings on the wrist will tell more, but for now.

It was made after 1949 (before that it was the "No4 Mk1" with a different trigger.) & a conversion would be marked as a "No4 Mk1/2", or "No4 Mk1/3" at the Royal Small Arms Factory (ROF) Fazakerly, near Birmingham. There should be a matching serial number on the rear face of the bolt handle & on the bottom of the magazine.

For some reason it was given a complete factory re-build (FTR = "Factory Thorough Repair") at the Fazakerly Ordinance factory in the midlands in in 1956 before being sold to the US before 1968. (The import stamp is a pre'68 style.)
Its arguably the last, best & nicest of the Lee Enfields.
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