looking for ideas


New member
I belong to an organization that needs to raise funds for building maintenance. The idea has come up to have a shoot. The shooters would be invited from other similar organizations within about a 50 mile area. I belong to a near by shooting club with a range, so the shoot would be held there.
The shooters will be almost all people who are not experienced competitive shooters. Meaning we need to keep things simple and pay special attention to safety concerns. At this time we are considering doing only .22lr rimfire matches only. No other ideas have yet been proposed except we won’t bother with 100 yard matches.
I am asking for idea for matches. I’m looking for target ideas that will be both doable and fun for regular guys who normally do not shoot competitively.
Inexpensive reactive targets, large enough and at a distance they can easily hit.
Things that go pop, spin or fall over are always popular, especially with casual shooters looking for a good time.
Reaction swinging targets, for .22, can be made out of wood and hung from a support, to avoid having to go downrange to reset.
No danger from ricochets, either.
Balloons are good, lollypops on a stick, small clear plastic containers, filled with water colored with food coloring.
Charcoal grill briquettes, clay pigeons, and such.
Anything similar will get lots of smiles.
Cheap store brand sandwich cookies. Pound a few nails through a board and turn the board flat side down, slide the sandwich cookies over the nail. Instant reactive target.

Also consider an air rifle range, someone may have some club guns laying about that could be used in a "minisniper" type game.

Rifleman1776 said:
we need to keep things simple and pay special attention to safety concerns.

You're gearing this towards shooters who aren't competitive shooters, so this is wise. I'd stay away from reactive things like briquettes, balloons, cookies, etc. Not only would it make re-setting the stage between shooters tough, it'll leave a mess afterward, something your range won't appreciate. The targets, being small, will also be hard to hit by new-ish shooters, so you'll either have to wait forever for them to hit them, or they'll get discouraged by not hitting them. Plus, there's always the potential for ricochets.

Check out how GSSF matches are run. GSSF is designed for shooters without experience in competition. There's no movement, no drawing from a holster, and no reloads on the clock. A standard course of fire, it balances speed and accuracy, and it's easy to score and set-up between shooters. Not saying you have to run a rimfire GSSF match, but it might give you some ideas.
WE have done a few Golf Ball shoots as fund raisers.
Recycled golf balls are cheap.
Make halo's from wire to hold the balls. I use the 12 gage steel fence wire that I always keep on the farm. Make a wrap around a pipe, and bend down the stem. I normally like aleast an 8" long stem, so probably cut to about 12 inches to start with before bending. Put the pipe in the vice vertical. Grap the wire tail with plyers holding it to the pipe. Now make the wrap. Then bend the tail down, and you are done.

We have 4X4 posts with multiple holes drilled for the wire stems. We have the 4X4 posts painted Red, White, and Blue so you know to stay on your own balls. We place the posts on a couple concrete blocks.

We set them up at 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. However the range could be a lot closer depending on how you run the match. Off Hand, Bench Rest, Supplied Sand Bag Rest, etc.

1] If the range is large enough having an area for people to shoot at things just for fun with no prizes can generate cash.
2] Any paper target. Shooter fires two shots. The person with the shots closest together wins. Groups of 5,10 or what ever you chose compete for the prize.
3] Ping pong balls on a string. Two shots for $xx. Hit the ball,win.
4] You will need something[air guns?] for the smaller kids.
The level of difficulty[distance to targets] should vary so everyone has a chance to excel.