Looking for help finding details


I recently acquired this old spanish pistol from a friend, Ive been trying to find out details on it but am not having any luck as there were so many made and all were a little different. I dont know the cal of it yet as there are no markings on it but givin the size Im assuming is a 6.35? The markings on the gun are
On this side it has a shield with an X in it, PV, and has a lion marking on all components.
The other side only has 215381 on it.
The grips have gold circle with a C and E over lapping each other and a bird with a globe with COLONIAL written around it.
The barrel has G.A. with the lion marking and ivery component of the gun has 868 stamped in it. Any info you guys could help me with would be great I will also try to post a few pics of it. Thanks
Apparently the "'Fabrique d'armes de Grande Precision", also "Fabrique d'Armes de Guerre de Grande Precision", was some kind of holding or export company, possibly located in France or Belgium, although the guns were made in Spain. Those guns have been seen with several trade names, including Jupiter, Princeps, Bulwark, and Triomphe, as well as Colonial, used by different companies in Spain, some of which made Ruby pistols during WWI. The marking is intended to look, at first glance, like the Fabrique Nationale marking used by FN of Belgium, and some of the guns to are made to resemble the FN/Browning pistols.

It is safe to say the pistol is not of high quality.

From the Triple K magazine and grip catalog:
"The Colonial name was used on guns sold by Fabrique d'Armed de Guerre de Grande Precision, Eibar, Spain. The actual maker of the gun is unknown, but could have been Extezarraga Abitua y Cia, Eibar, Spain, who owned the "Colonial" trade mark."

Might the C and E over lapping each other be E C for Extezarragada Cia, no credit to Sr. Abitua?
Also listed as being made by Acha Brothers, Domingo Acha & Co. and as Jim posted marketed by G.P. The Acha Brothers got their start during WWI and got their finish at the begetting of the Spanish Civil War, 1936. Caliber .25 ACP or AKA 6.35 MM. If any of those old weak parts break, well, there are no repair parts available.
T he type of guns that gave Spanish guns a very bad reputation!! Much of the parts would be made in the cottage industry system !
Some sources indicate that the Spanish "Fabrique" never actually made anything, that they marketed guns made and marked for them by whatever company would sell them the cheapest. (Not unlike the system used in the U.S. by Montgomery Ward and Sears, Roebuck.)
