looking for electronic coyote call.


New member
Wanting to get into thining out some coyotes.

Looking to hopefully stay under the $200 mark.

Been looking at the Icotec and Foxpro.
Any input greatly appreciated.
FoxPro or Primos

I have a Primos and Son has a FoxPro so our sounds vary and controls don't conflict. The little hand held units aren't much good and although I used one for 2 years, no yotie ever came to the call.
Midway USA had calling equipment on sale last week or so and other places are reducing prices on out of season calling stuff.
Just my opinion:
Electronic calls are really cool. Some use digital recordings of real animals or people using calls really well. They range in quality from awful to life-like.

You can get an OK varmint caller for $100. It will work OK. You and your friends will be impressed. You will kill some coyotes.

You can get a much, much better caller for $150. It will work much, much better. You and your friends will be delighted. You will kill some coyotes.

You can get an outstanding caller for $200. It will amaze you and your friends. You will kill some coyotes.

You can spend $2,000 on a caller with remote control, action lure, multiple sounds, etc. At a certain point, varmint callers are designed to lure in hunters.

All that means nothing to a coyote. They want it to sound like dinner. Or another coyote. Or whatever it is you are trying to make sound interesting to them.

Years ago, I used a mouth call. I thought I was pretty good. My friends thought I was pretty good. I killed some coyotes. Then one day, someone told me that most coyotes would come in, circle, and I was never seeing most of the coyotes that came in. I didn't really believe it until I set up about a mile away and watched another experienced caller work through a spotting scope. It's nearly impossible to see them all. They circle downwind, they listen for the sounds of injured prey or other predators, look for movement, look for ravens or crows moving in, etc. Sometimes they rush in, sometimes they sit and watch. In short, they act like they are going to act, we try to fool them into coming out to play.
I bought an el-cheapo baby boom-box from WalMart and added a couple of speakers that I could set out some 100 feet away. I used a Burnham Brothers wounded rabbit tape.

Worked well.
Back when I first started calling coyotes there was very few hunters interested in the sport, now everyone and their brother is calling coyotes. Because of this the coyotes are getting educated, they're pretty intelligent animals. I always said if we had a worldwide nuclear disaster there's two things that'll survive, coyotes and cock roaches.............The calls I've used thru the years is mouth blown calls, Johnny Stewart record player, Johnny Stewart cassette player, FoxPro and Promos Turbo Dogg, I've called coyotes to the gun with each of them. Because of the popularity of the sport and most everyone using electronic calls I now rely on mouth blown calls because I can blow different sequences and sounds giving "ole Wiley" something a little different to listen to. You can trick the young one's pretty easy with an electronic call, they'll get killed off early, but when you're trying to bring the old dogs to the gun you better be proficient with a mouth blown call. Good luck out there!
I actually have a slightly unorthadox plan.
Where i usually hunt, every deer track in the snow had coyote tracks following.
When i shot my doe, entire gut pile gone in under a week.

My plan is to set up the caller away from me.
Put 1 shot into a tree.
Wait 20-30 min and do fawn distress with coyote howls.

Hoping they'll think they are late to dinner... He he he
Primos Alpha Dog has built in “Perfessional Calls” which for a newbie like me wha has no idea what sounds to use when first starting helped me kill a lot of yotes. I’ve since learned the sounds and spending time in the woods listening to yotes learned how to pick and choose. But it’s my go to for first timers. Plus it’s incredibly loud on those windy days.
I have iHunt by Ruger

I have iHunt by Ruger. An app down loads to your phone and you connect to a speaker by bluetooth. I have the iHunt speaker as well but any bluetooth speaker will work. I think I only paid $60 for it. Maybe less. Anyway the software includes just about any kind of call you can imagine. All the standards are there, coyote, crows, deer and turkey for where electronic calling is legal, geese, squirrels and crazy stuff too like alligator and zebra. Worth looking at.

Life is good.
Prof Young