Looking for citation for famous Cooper quote


New member
I'm writing a paper on concealed weapons for my English 2010 class. I want to use Jeff Cooper's quote about the sheep not being able to tell the wolves from the sheep dogs. If I use it I must cite where it came from.

Can somebody tell me where I can find it. Or if you have the book just tell me which one, who the publisher is, and what page its on. Also could somebody post what the whole quote says. Thanks.
For starters, go through the archives at http://www.cybersurf.co.uk/JeffCooper/ and I hope you're lucky.

I think that's a quote from fairly recently. I hope so, 'cause he's written a lot and over a number of years.

"The Gargantuan Gunsite Gossip" is 702 pages, and while it might be the source, I ain't gonna. :)

Best luck, Art