Looking for buy/not buy advice on *&* 4516...


New member
A friend has a chance to buy one but has heard about slide and frame problems with this model. Some say they are jam-o-matics. Would greatly appreciate comments from those who own or have owned them. What would be fair market value for one? TIF

Haven't heard of slide/frame problems on the 4516 or 4506 models -- only the 10mm versions.

They're ok guns, but because of the high bore axis, can be a problem with recoil, etc.

If the price is right, you could do worse.
I've never been a big fan of S&W semi-autos. I think they're over price and ergonomically challenged, but I have always wanted a 645 or a 4506.

The darned things fit my hand like a DREAM.
They tend to be "jam-o-matics", especially the 4516. Plan on getting the throat/feed ramp polished and some other minor work to make it feed right.
I beg to disagree:

I have one, & I am selling it - but only to help get the $$ together for a Kimber Custom. You may note I authored a post on my new Kimber Ultra CDP range report. I don't need 2 carry .45's, so the 4516 is going to be sold.

(This isn't a solicitation for a sale though. A close friend, who used to own one but had to sell when he fell on some financial hard times a while back has expressed interest. I loaned it to him for a few weeks to be sure he wants it. If he decides no, I had it appraised by my dealer & I'll be trading it in.)

It has never, and I mean never failed to function 100% with factory ammo in about 750 rounds. Probably 250 of those were Federal Hydra-Shok loads. I had no fear of using it for concealed carry and it is bone stock - I bought it new.

The first run was the 4516. I understood that there were some issues with that particular gun. I believe it used a frame similar to a hi-cap 9mm, where the width of the frame is stepped down to a more narrow measurement in front of the mag well. The 4516-1, which is what I own, eliminated that step - even the mags are different than the original 4516. Later on, S&W made some cosmetic changes by adding a blackened trigger (maybe the safety levers & hammer too?) and called that the 4516-2.

I carried it in either a Galco SSII, a Broomland IWB, or a Galco paddle. Now, it is heavy when comapred to my CDP - but it is 100% SS. I mounted a set of Hogue grips on it to add a little cushioning, but the stock grips were OK for me.

If it is a 4516-1 or -2, it fits his hand and the price is right, I would say go for it based on my own personal experiance with mine.
I've had a 4566 for 10 years and a couple thousand rounds and I have never had a malfunction of any kind with it. Not one. Accuracy has always been excellent. I carried this gun for several years as a duty weapon and its finish held up beautifully, the gun still looks new. It's always been fashionable to rip on S&W autoloaders because a couple of the 9mm models had problems, but this particular 4566 has alwys been an excellent pistol in every way.
My department issued the 4516 when it first arrived on the market, and promptly got rid of it. Too many reliability issues, and now there is a general order prohibiting its use on or off duty.
We now carry the 4506. Most of these are old, but they work with the associated problems of lots of shooting.
I used a 4566 for a while, I got it brand new and no hiccups, except the one I caused shooting it left handed.
The 457 is not a bad deal. More or less the same size as the 4516, you have an advantage is that it is still in production, therefore easier to find. That would be my choice. Plus, a tad more economical.
The one I used was good, and the only problems occasionally popped up loading a full magazine, although these were with reloads. I still recommend it.