Looking for as much info on this gun


Unread Today, 01:35 PM #16
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Join Date: September 7, 2017
Posts: 2
Wanting to talk about what I think is a Mauser? R. Famage. Im not sure of calliber, it has .30 stamped on top of it but not sure if this is 3006 or not?? or other info like, is it a single shot or multiple,4 shot or more? how original is it, you know , all the usual questions. Numbers on the bolt are different than those on the right & left side in front of the ejector port, where barel meets receiver? It has a 3 step barel. I think a sport stock?? JC Higgins butt plate. Strait bolt. Iron sights, adjustable rear, solid front. May be able to send pics??? I basically posted this same thing but I can't find where it went?
This may help? https://www.gunandgame.com/threads/98-mauser-r-famage-1952.31180/

Another https://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=553382
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Colombian Mauser. After WW2, the South American armies abandoned their alliances with German, Belgian, Austrian and Czech arms makers (since they had all been pretty much destroyed). When the OAS was formed, the USA stepped in and offered to supply arms and ammunition to all the South American countries, so you see a lot of metric caliber rifles rechambered to 30-06 beginning around 1950. They would mark the bridge of the receiver with a large ".30" and rebarrel, or rebore the existing barrels to 30 caliber. Yours is one of those.
Mauser info

Ty very much for the info. Mine is not a Columbia version. There's no crest on the top. I've seen lots of Mausers with wood on top of the barrel. Mine dose not have this. I'm trying to figure out what kind/type of Mauser this is or was. Does it take a single shell or can I use stripper clip & put in ? I really like the gun. It's got some heft to it. Wouldn't mind putting on a scope & maybe seeing if I could find a thumb hole stock for it. Getting ahead of myself. Thank you again.
Mauser info

When I get a chance I'll try to take & send a few pics & get #s. This is very new to me using a forum so all will have to bare with me & my apologies in advance. I did see on top of the gun a "u" shape stamp with a line through it?? Thanks for the info on the fact that it holds more than 1 round. Do you know the total?, 4,5 or 6? With out know what the gun is & all the different versions & or types & variants, it's hard for me to apply the info that I'm reading. Ty
In all likely hood, your rifle was probably sporterized, which would explain why there is no wood over the barrel like a traditional Mauser. That just means it was altered from it's original military cofiguration into a sporting or hunting rifle.
Standard Mauser 98 magazine capacity is 5 rnds.

The Mauser is designed to feed from the magazine, only. In other words, DO NOT put a round in the chamber, then close the bolt on it. Doing that risks breaking the extractor!!

SOME Mausers have been modified so you can single load directly into the chamber, but until you know for certain if yours has been, don't do it. Load the round(s) into the magazine, only.

I suggest taking your rifle to a gunsmith, and having the headspace checked, as well as determining the actual chambering and an over all check for any flaws. Based on the limited info, it is PROBABLY a South American rifle rechambered for the .30-06, as already stated, BUT, have a gunsmith check the chamber to be certain.
I,m betting it was in 7.65x53 argentine and rechambered to 3006. the bore will be 311-312 and 3006 bullets being 308-309 will be to small for it to be super acurett. but you can load 311 diameter bullets in 3006 cases. eastbank.
Mine is not a Columbia version. There's no crest on the top.
Yes, it is a Colombian rifle, probably a Model 1910. Probably a Mauser, although it could be an FN or a Steyr since Colombia bought from all makers. The FAMAGE stamp was put on it at the Colombian military rework facility when the rifle was rebarreled and converted to 30 caliber. It has no crest because the rifles were "wiped" before being released as surplus after rework.
I,m betting it was in 7.65x53 argentine and rechambered to 3006.
After 1900, Colombia used 7X57 as a service cartridge. Colombia bought 1891 Mausers from Argentina before 1895, but changed to 7X57 after the purchase of 1895 rifles in 1900.
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one way to know for sure is to slug the bore, if a true 30 caliber it will be .308-309. if a rechambered 7.65x53 it will be .311-.312. eastbank.
Yes, it is a Colombian rifle, probably a Model 1910. Probably a Mauser, although it could be an FN or a Steyr since Colombia bought from all makers. The FAMAGE stamp was put on it at the Colombian military rework facility when the rifle was rebarreled and converted to 30 caliber. It has no crest because the rifles were "wiped" before being released as surplus after rework.

I have a Columbian Mauser made by F.N. in 30-06 dated 1951 IIRC. It has a crest and is not marked 30 and has no FAMAGE stamp unless it was stamped on the barrel which I no longer have.
Mauser info

Is there any serial #s on these guns located where I can't see & have to take the stock off or other parts?
"Didn't they also rechamber/re-barrel a lot of those to 308 also?"

Could be. I have several Chilean Mausers chambered to the .308 Win./7.62 NATO, two by Steyr and one by Oberndorf.
One Steyr has a four groove barrel and the other a two groove barrel like those found on the later 1903A3 Springfields. The Oberndorf was still in the original 7.65x53 and was rebarreled to .308 Win. I think that maybe a lot of those Mausers from Central and South America may have been converted to 7.62 NATO/.308 Win. or 30-06 at one time in the not too distant past. I do remember ads in the gun rags from outfits like Ye Olde Hunter selling Columbian Mausers in 30-06.
Paul B.