Looking for advice.

Caeca Invidia Es

Staff Alumnus
I've never done competition shooting, but I am really interested in it. Preferebly some sort of rifle competition, as I don't have a lot of experience with handguns. Anyone care to offer suggestions/experiences with the different types of events? I'm a decent shooter, and with enough practice I'm sure I could be a great shooter. Just need to figure out what I need to practice with :)
Maybe some of the others can make suggestions. The rifle shoots seem too disciplined and boring to me. But to each their own. For that reason I like the USPSA Three gun Matches over just plain IPSC pistol only. That way I get to handle a shotgun, rifle and pistol. Our clubs web site is cowboy, but if you go to bottom of page. You will find a little 1911 and CAR-15. Click on the CAR-15 and it will take you to my clubs USPSA Three Gun Page, pictures and rules. Hope it helps. It really is lots of fun.