Looking for advice on 1903 auctions


New member
Can I get some feedback on these two postings?

This one has a war era stock that was never issued, and the stock looks poorly fitted? (Look at the buttstock, and how poorly it seems fitted to the metal back piece?) Finally, the metal on this one looks great - almost untouched.

This one seems to be in good condition, though I can find no info on what the AAG stamping means? Is that an inspection marking?:

Any thoughts on those? I'm looking for a 1903 I can fire off the shelf .30-06 ammo through without any concerns (I'm OK buying the American Eagle .30-06 ammo meant for the Garand, I just don't want to be hunting for greek surplus.)


Edit, updated the links to actually WORK.
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The first one, #291052276 is a parts gun, commercial stock and park job. May be a good shooter but was no history or soul.:mad:

The second one, #291085935 looks to be a correct grade from clean and repair, it has a replacement Wart Hog stock (Scant stock) with Augusta Arsenal marking.:)
Can anyone speak to http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=290611236

It looks like it's in the original stock still, with an original barrel.

Compared to http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=291085935

Is it worth the extra money for a more "original" gun? The SC auction has more photos, but the Remington 1903 looks to be in good shape from the photos that are there? Also, the Remington looks good by the CMP gauge, if I can trust that. .5 should be near new, correct?
the second has a replacement handguard that does not match the stock and the rear sight is a replacement as well judging by the fact that it still has bluing on it while the receiver is nearly bare steel.

the barrel on the first one looks off. smith corona A3s usually show a lot more attention to detail and more elegant lines than the remingtons and springfields but the tool marks on that barrel look kindof gnarly and the date stamp is off centered....I migt be completely wrong but that may be a fake barrel.
Comgrats on winning the bid on the 4.19 million Remington A3. Nice looking rifle and appears original since 'clean & repair'. The P proof mark and the Augusta Arsenal look well defined. "AAG" the "AA" is for Augusta Arsenal and the "G" is the inspectors initial. It's a post war2 inspection mark.

Nice green patina on the receiver from years of cosmoline, it has the correct Rem floor plate. I'm curious why the seller did not show a photo of the barrel stamp, may have a replacement barrel, may not.

These had a S stock without grasping grooves as original. This rifle received the wart hog (scant) stock at clean & repair, a nice addition IMHO.

Bottom rifle in this pic is a late 1943 SC 03A3 with the S stock.

With regards to the 1903, it's made in 1943 if I remember the serial number ranges right, so it's going to be fine for the heat treatment (esp since I think all remington 1903s should be find in that regard) - what else need I check to ensure it's safe to fire? Is having it inspected something to be left to a gunsmith? Can I do it myself?

All gunsmiths near me claim a 2 week turnaround time on just checking the gun...

madcratebuilder, thanks for the info, and those rifles look awesome ;)

The barrel is RA 9-43, what does RA mean? Otherwise, the dates match. Only photo I wish was there, was photo with the bolt open.
Remington Arms is RA

If the rifle (not just the barrel) was made in 1943, it has no heat treat issues. It's a 1903A3, not a 1903 in that case

I'd have it headspace checked...by a smith that can do it in under 5 minutes, which IMO they should be able to.

RE: stock fitting "poorly". There was a war on. These weren't hand-crafted masterpieces ;)
I could be wrong( and normally am) remington did not make 1903s until after the heat treatment process was fixed. also to my knowledge they only made the A3s and A4s. either way, the one the OP picked up is an A3.

shine a light down the bore to make sure it's not pitted with rust. other than that if you can chamber 30-06 snap cap in it and shake it without it rattling you should be alright with the headspacing. if it does then I would wait on firing it until it's been worked on.
Well, I've been meaning to buy go/no go .30-06 and .308 gauges, I think I'll nab them myself then if that's the only check I really need to do?

And I believe that is correct, Remington only made 03A3s, so no Remington or Smith Corona should have heat issues. Heat issues should only exist for Rock Island arms and Springfield 03s.
Remington only made 03A3s
IIRC, Remington also made the modified 03s (no scallops below rear sight) before doing the full goose bozo "value engineering" to get production down to a faster art, hence the A3 series.

Of course I could be wrong.
IIRC, Remington also made the modified 03s

You're right - they made 03s before the A3s.

Also, the reason gun smiths claim 2 weeks is they are busy doing other things. One gun smith might be able to finish it same day by doing it quickly, but they quote me 2 weeks turnaround time...
:) I watched a 'smith check headspace on my 03A3. he was done in a couple minutes. he could have given me a lead time, sure. And he could have charged me for the check. But he didn't, and now...I give him money for gunsmithing jobs. If your 'smith is that busy well, great news for him I guess but two weeks to check headspace? maybe two weeks to set headspace?
sellier and bellot is good plinking ammo bear brand is not. if you were just looking something to shoot out of a walmart special then I would say go ahead but I would never shoot bear out of a springfield...and I normally shoot old surplus out of mine so you can take that for what it's worth.
Specifically, I want something accurate, cheap and that won't attract a magnet.

HXP will attract a magnet.

Domestic brands at Walmart are your best bet for cheap stuff. The only inexpensive overseas ammo I found that is reliably non-magnetic has been Privi Partisan or Igman. Fiocchi pistol ammo has been non-magnetic, I've never had any of their rifle ammo.

I think some S&B pistol ammo may be non-magnetic but all their 7.62x39 ammo I've gotten has been magnetic.

I'm glad I now belong to a range where I don't have to worry about that magnet stuff...