Looking for a test


New member
I'm did a quick search for cast rifle bullets with the front being pure lead and the base a hardcast and maybe water dropped. I've read one article of someone casting such a bullet but no results or photos of whether it works. Does anyone know of a source?
I can't cite a source, but I've seen some reports on both sides.
Some say it's too much of a pain to be worthwhile, and the failure rate is very high.
Others say it works great.

There was at least one somewhat recent article (last year or so?) about doing such, in either Handloader or Successful Hunter magazine.
The author there used the two-mold method, where the nose is poured in its own mold. Then it is placed into the other mold, for the second alloy to be poured.
Photos looked good. Text of the article claimed it was the 8th wonder of the world.
I believe hogs were also used as ballistic test media.
2 piece mold

I've seen images of the two piece molds and how the parts are suppose to be epoxied together. The most common methods I've read of are the hollow points and the softening the tip by submerging the base and shank in cold water and softening the tip with a propane torch. I think a pure lead buckshot at the tip and encased at the base with an alloyed lead/ GC would act like a softnose or like a paper patched bullet. It's something on my "want-to-do" list.
I've played with them and am not that impressed. I think a pure lead nose with no jacket is just to soft to work the way I want.

For hunting, I much prefer the popular 50/50/2% alloy. Tho with these I like to water drop them to bring them to the about same hardness as my straight COWW bullets, then I anneal the front half. A little time consuming, but since I dont need many dedicated hunting bullets they last a long time and I've had great results with these in rifles