looking for a shotgun


New member
I'm new at this gun thing, got an ar-15 like 6 months ago, now i think i want a shotgun primarily for home defense any suggestions? For some reason all the gun store are trying to sell me 870s. are they that good?
Yes, they are that good. I like Remington shotguns but there are several other reliable shotguns out there that won't break the bank. Mossberg has a couple of good models as well as Winchester. A lot depends on what you want to do with it. Just for home defense I would stay as stock as possible. I would shoot it as much as you can. It will get better with use and so will you.
There are probably more aftermarket products for the 870, but there are some for the others too. If you are going to shoot a lot, get a good shotgun.
Yes, they are that good. I like Remington shotguns but there are several other reliable shotguns out there that won't break the bank. Mossberg has a couple of good models as well as Winchester. A lot depends on what you want to do with it. Just for home defense I would stay as stock as possible. I would shoot it as much as you can. It will get better with use and so will you.
There are probably more aftermarket products for the 870, but there are some for the others too. If you are going to shoot a lot, get a good shotgun.
I've said before, I think Mossberg is the best bargain in shotguns. The model 590 comes with all the extra goodies normally added to a combat type shotgun straight from the factory. And, its still cheaper than a plain jane 870.
I bought a Mossberg 500 Persuader 8-round pump gun last week at Walmart for $189. This is my third Mossberg. I have been very happy with Mossberg's quality and dependability. I've had people tell me that other shotguns are more dependable, but what is more dependable than 100% dependable? I've never had one of my Mossbergs fail to feed or fire.

Eric@Glock Talk

[This message has been edited by EricGT (edited February 27, 1999).]
I like Mossbergs also. I think I'm down to 4 or 5 500s now. Really like the tang safety especially. Don't care for the plastic trigger assembly housing though.

[This message has been edited by fal308 (edited February 26, 1999).]
The 870 is that good. If it's for defensive use, I suggest the 870HD.

FWIW, my favorite Mossberg is the mil-spec 500 USA. Its metal trigger housing and metal safety inspire confidence.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited February 26, 1999).]
I have a Mossberg 590 with ghost ring sights and the speedfeed stock.

It is very reliable and easy to shoot.

I have found that the federal reduced recoil tactical buck makes it a bit easier to handle. My wife (5'2") likes to shoot it from the hip but not from the shoulder.
I've got to jump on the Mossberg bandwagon too. i've never had a lick of trouble out of my 500. Also my S&W Mdl. 19A looks an awful lot like a Mossberg, i like it too. YMMV :D

fiat justitia


[This message has been edited by longhair (edited February 26, 1999).]
My Mossberg 500 12-ga is, in a word, perfect. After several hundred shells in a few weeks, it still fires perfectly. The pistol grip and synthetic forearm give it that "You in a heap o' trouble, boy" look as well :)
Gotta love that Mossberg. Not that there's anything wrong with the 870 (there's probably a little more aftermarket junk for the Remington, in fact), but -- at least back when I bought mine -- the Mossie had dual slide bars and the Remingtons only had one. Plus, they just work (not that I'm saying Remingtons are finicky, cos I'm not) and they're *CHEAP* (which Remington's aren't as good at). You'll be happy with either. Just don't get a new "Winchester" . . . .
What about the other manf. Browning, Winchester, Ithaca, et al. Right now i'm leaning towards Mossberg 500 cuz it is cheap, but I haven't really figures out why I want a shotgun beside the fact that I don't have one
chink, I've owned two Winchester Defender shotguns and I'll never own another one. The first one I bought used. It had lock-up problems. The bolt would blow open when fired, pretty consistently. I got rid of that one quick. Thinking the first one was a fluke, I bought a second new Defender. That one persistently failed to feed. I then started buying Mossbergs and never looked back. There are a bunch of nice shotguns out there I would love to own, and probably will someday, but Mossberg is my first choice for a cheap dependable home-defense weapon.

Eric@Glock Talk
chink, you want a shotgun because (1) in a home defense situation, your AR is just as likely to kill someone 2 houses down as it is the BG, (2) a shotgun has to be the most versatile gun made (defense, trap / clays, and hunting everything from birds to deer and more - bird shot to buck shot to slugs), (3) not quite as true as some think, but you're firing many projectiles (usually) instead of one, and don't need quite as much precision as a handgun or rifle, and (4) becoming more of a consideration in my mind, the shotgun retains its 'politically correct' reputation, as opposed to an AR or handgun. IMHO. But, you knew all that I think. ;)

A Rem 870 might cost a little more, but the quality is tops, the heritage is there, and it is probably the most modified and modifiable shotgun made. You might divide the extra cost by the number of years you plan to own it - the extra $$ may not appear so large at that point. ;) Besides, there are a ton of used 870's, and a quality rebuild is not that expensive, when you're ready.
I've got to go with the Mossberg suggestion too. I own three and love all of them. I've run at least 2000+ rounds through my 590 in the last year, and never a problem once. The 835 i just bought seems to be a damn good shotgun too. I would stay away fromthe 9200s though (semi-auto) they have a bad habit of malfunctioning right we you need em.

So if its a pump you want, get a Mossberg!
I've got to weigh in here. I've had a Winchester 1300 Defender for about 5 years and never, ever had any problems with it. The gun is designed so that recoil opens the bolt and pushes the bolt and forend back. How far back it is pushed depends on the recoil of the load you're firing. Magnum buckshot will pump the action practically all of the way back by itself. This design characteristic might be perceived as a "bolt unlocking problem." The Remington 870 is also a good design; however, I've never read a Gun Tests magazine review of a Mossberg where there was not some kind of problem with the gun.

Apart from that, I say look at all three brands and pick whichever one fits you best. One thing to check for is the reach to the forend--some pumps require you to extend your support arm too far forward, making it difficult to find a comfortable stance. Since you already have an AR-15, I'd suggest a shotgun with ghost ring sights, which will give you a sight picture similar to the large aperture on your AR-15.

Good luck and have fun shopping.
Ok, I dont want to "attack" the last post about gun magazines having proglems with Mossberg shotguns, but I'd like to point out that as far as i know, Mossberg shotguns are the ONLY pump shotguns to meet military specifications. (please let me know if there are others)

I'm not sure what those specs are exactly, but hey, if it meets Military standards, it cant be all bad.. :)

Just my $0.02
HAIRBALL--I didn't take your post as an attack. However, your statement about Mossberg shotguns meeting "military specifications" (whatever they may be) reminds me of Murphy's Laws of Combat, #6: "Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder."

I certainly have no objections to inexpensive weapons, as long as quality control is good. Based on what I've read, I just don't have a lot of faith in Mossberg's QC. However, I do think Mossberg has a good design and IF I found one that seemed to be in perfect working order and thoroughly tested it, I wouldn't hesitate to rely on it for self-defense.

If you are really interested in the tactical use of the shotgun, I highly reccomend Massad Ayoob's book, "Stressfire II: Advanced Combat Shotgun." It is about 8 years and therefore a little dated, but it is an excellent training manual for the police officer or civilian interested in using the shotgun as a defensive weapon.

[This message has been edited by Alfadog (edited March 04, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Alfadog (edited March 04, 1999).]

Thats very true.. it was built by the lowest bidder, but I dont think that the Mil-Spec test has much to do with cost. Heres an exert from a Mossberg catalog about their 500 series shotguns.

"Mossberg military-supplied shotguns have passed the ultra-tough Mil-S-3443 standard, the requirement that pump shotguns must meet. The heart of this spec is a brutal 3,000 round endurance test using nothing but buckshot loads. In addition, the guns are frozen, baked and dropped in various attitudes. Parts interchangeability is also required. Since 1979, Mossberg shotguns have continuously met this demanding Mil-SPec requirement. In fact, they are the only pump shotguns that have."

Thats straight from thier 1998 catalog..

No, i'm not addicted to Mossberg shotguns or anything.. hehehehe :)