Looking for a new .22 semi-auto to pair with a Mossberg 702 Plinkster,,,


New member
Looking for a new .22 semi-auto to pair with a Mossberg 702 Plinkster,,,
Or a new .22 revolver to pair with a Savage Mk-IIF .

So I finally received my property tax bill for this year,,,
I'm afraid the world is coming to an end,,,
Or Hell has actually frozen over,,,
Because they went down.

Because of that I have a surprise surplus of $380.00,,,
So I can now start looking for a mate for one of the two rifles.

A while back I assembled a grab and go range kit,,,
I packaged my stainless Henry Acu-Bolt .22 bolt action rifle,,,
With a 4" Charter Arms .22 Pathfinder, Glasses, Earplugs, and Ammunition.

They go together nicely in their shared rifle case.

That tickled my OCD tendencies so well that I did it with my CZ-452 Military Trainer,,,
I packaged that with a 6" Colt Trooper MK-III in .22,,,
Plus the afore mentioned accessories.

So that leaves my Mossberg and my Savage needing the same treatment,,,
Both rifles are blue/black metal with black polymer stocks,,,
So blue/black polymer grip handguns would match.

For the Mossberg I'm thinking that this 5.5" Ruger Mk-III would match nicely,,,
If not that then maybe this Browning Buckmark.

For the Savage I'm thinking of a 6" Rossi 98 Plinker,,,
Or maybe a 6.5" Heritage SA with a fiber optic front sight.

I've fired a few and purchased a Heritage gun as a gift,,,
For the price they are an acceptable option.

Anyhow, I'm just sitting here contemplating a purchase,,,
It's my after-birthday vacation day so I'm just musing.

But, that money is burning a hole in my wallet,,,
I feel like a kid with his first paycheck. :D


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why get any of it?

Heritage isnt that great nor the Rossi you have better guns for each of those respective actions I am sure.

I am pretty positive you have a Ruger and buckmark aswell?
Hello Venom,,,

why get any of it?

Well, why not is what I always say,,,
I enjoy assembling sets of things.

Besides, it helps keep the Last Will & Testament simple. ;)

I do have a Ruger SR-22 and a pair of 22/45's,,,
But I don't have one of their Mk-III series.

I don't own a Buckmark either,,,
I've never had anything against them,,,
I've just had more affinity for other makes & models.

I'm not in as much of a hurry as I led on in the OP,,,
I enjoy the shopping and decision making experience as well.

At this point I'm leaning towards the Ruger,,,


My thoughts are a Buckmark Camper better compliments the Mossberg.
For the Savage I would go with the Rossi, but in 4".:D
Save the desire for the Heritage Rough Rider to go with a 22 lever gun. But stick to tradition, and skip the fiber optics!
What ever you decide, Don't listen to the guy that said "why get any". What ridiculous advise! When Ya need to buy a gun, Ya need to buy a gun!:D:D:D
I second the 4" Rossi "if you can find one", my dad has one and it is a nice gun. I imagine the 6" is just as nice.
I prefer 4" revolvers,,,

I prefer 4" revolvers,,,
I love the balance and aesthetics,,,
But that extra 2" of sight radius sure helps me aim better.

I thought this time I would go for target functionality,,,
Give myself and the eventual owner a better start.

One matchup I did is a Crickett .22 rifle,,,
And a 6" H&R 922 revolver.

When I hand any of my 4" revolvers to a young kid,,,
They basically have trouble hitting the berm,,,
But this venerable old H&R works better.

Of course they are shooting off of beanbags,,,
But there is no denying the efficacy of a longer barrel.

One 8 year old boy is deadly with that 6" H&R,,,
But he can't hit squat with my 4" Model 18.

I absolutely love my 4" Models 15 & 18,,,
But I hit a lot better with my friends 6" Models 17 & 18.

That's the reasoning behind considering longer barrels for these sets.


P.S. Besides, I see a lot of 6" Rossi's but no 4 inchers.

Put a new S&W Compact M&P .22 in your paw, shoot a hundred rounds and then go and buy one of these neat little pistols. You asked for opinions and Rossi would certainly not be my choice.
Hello Ibmikey,,,

Yanno, a M&P Compact isn't a bad suggestion,,,
Everyone I have chatted with has favorable things to say about them.

So yes, it's a pistol on my short list.

The only thing I don't like about them,,,
Is the absence of any method to de-cock it.

My other "tactical" pistols either have a hammer,,,
Or a de-cocking lever of some type

It isn't an absolute deal breaker,,,
But it is something I'm a bit leery of.

I'm going to a gun show today,,,
I hope to see one there so I can handle it.

Thanks for your input.


I am definitely leaning towards the buckmark,,,

I am definitely leaning towards the Buckmark,,,
The 5.5" Practical URX is calling to me.

I like the fact that it comes with Fiber optic front sight,,,
It took a while for them to grow on me.

I replaced the dismal front sights on my NEOS with fiber optics,,,
And it did improve my accuracy enough to justify the coin,,,
So I think I'll get the Buckmark that already has them.

I was considering that S&WM&P 22 Compact,,,
But I don't think a "tactical" pistol suits the rifle as well.

The little Mossie is surprisingly precise for such an inexpensive rifle,,,
I installed Tech-Sights on it and one friend has used it to earn his Rifleman patch,,,
So I feel the target pistol characteristics of the Buckmark make for a more suitable pairing.

I'm going to think on it for a day or two,,,
But unless something I've never seen before crops up,,,
I'll probably be adding a new Buckmark to my stable of rimfires.


It might not be exactly what your looking for, but it seems like your just itching to drop your extra cash, so I'd recommend an Anschutz MSR. CDNN has 4 models on sale for under $400. In my opinion these are the best deal out there in an auto loading 22 right now. I'm not normally into the tactical stuff, but I am into target rifles, and these don't disappoint. Anschutz provides the barrels and triggers for these, they are very nice quality.


Those are Annies?,,,

Not your traditional Annie at all.

I'm only looking for handguns at the moment,,,
One semi and one revolver is what I need.

Thanks for the link though,,,
Very interesting read.


Hello Big Shrek,,,

Lemme toss you in a different direction...

Good suggestion,,,


I think I have that Beretta thing covered. ;)

That's one reason I'm leaning towards the Browning,,,
I don't own a Buckmark pistol yet.


I'm considering a different direction,,,

I'm considering a different direction,,,
I got to fire a 5.5" S&W 22A this past weekend.

One of my range buddies bought a brand new one from Buds,,,
It ran over 200 flawless rounds of Federal bulk.

I rented one about 4 years ago to use for my CCP class,,,
At the time I remember I wasn't impressed at all,,,
Something changed because now I like it a lot.

I was popping 8 out of 10 clay pigeons at 25 yards,,,
If it wasn't so danged cold I think I would have done better.

Oh the decisions,,,
They make my head spin. :cool:

