looking for a gun friendly place to live


New member

I am in my last few years of college right now, but when I graduate, I plan on starting a collection of subguns and machineguns, but I want to live in a place where I can have just about every gun a man could ever want, and just go to an open field or range and just spend an afternoon playing with it. Does anyone know if there are any states left like this? I also love to hunt, and being near good hunting is a priority, but also being near a decent size city would be nice.

Try asking a realator these questions...and see what look she gives you...

Check out http://www.nraila.org/research/statelaws/ for state gun laws. Except for this part of the law, Texas would be my choice when I can afford to move (and buy several thousand acres of land)

"It is unlawful to possess, manufacture, transport, repair or sell a machine gun. Federal registration of the machine gun by the possessor is a defense to prosecution under this section."
I just visited in the Phoenix area. Arizona is as gun-friendly as California ain't. Even some open carry, pistol on hip does turn the robbers away. Went to Ben Avery , the biggest public shooting range in the nation, and it is run by the state!!!! Full auto weapons in the gun shops, if you have the Federal license you can buy them. Downside, the sun can make yer rifle too hot to touch, before you even start shooting.

Bart Noir
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig. - Clint Eastwood in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"
Check out Huntsville, AL. I'm from CA and never thought I would like living in the South, but I love it. Tons of jobs available at Redstone Arsenal, especially in the technical fields. The best public range I have ever been to anywhere is about 25 minutes away, Swan Creek, well maintained. All you need is a hunting license which is $16/year. Bring your machine guns, some clubs have meets here. Range is open 11 months a year, closed during duck season. Sometimes on Sunday mornings I get the whole place to myself, I strole back and forth to my targets, scrounge around for brass, smell the honeysucle, whatever. CCW is $10/year. No smog. Gas is about $1.70/gal. Closest big cities are Nashville and Birmingham, 90 minute drive either way. On second thought, forget everything I said, too many people coming here will screw it up. Best of luck.
Keep your eye on New Mexico. We have a blanket CCW on the way, if our local gubmint doesn't manage to screw it up too bad, and it's perfectly legal to discharge a firearm outside of city limits (I live in Albuquerque). I usually just drive out past Rio Rancho and find a nice natural depression (there are a ton of 'em, just drive around and look for the zillions of spent casings) to pop-off in. We also have a nice public indoor pistol range (Calibers) that opened up not too long ago, plus it's still legal to carry openly (but APD ain't too keen on that kinda behavior...and they've got a "shoot first, ask questions later" reputation.) Climate's nicer than Texas too...plus we got green chile, and you just can't beat that!

Georgia is good. Plenty of wildlife management areas-many of which have shooting ranges.

Oh, BTW, the Texas machinegun law you quoted is standard language for state codes since passage of the National Firearms Act of 1934. The federal registration they mention is a universal legal requirement throughout the US. You will not find a state without it.
Indiana is gun friendly - it is easy to get a CCW permit.

The local gun shop usually has an ample supply of full-auto weapons. How gun-friendly the local sheriff's dept. is determines how easy it will be to register for a full auto weapon. Usually they will give you no hastle, unless you're a Charles Manson lookalike. LOL
Ragingbull454, what's for work and entertainment in Indiana? Well, that depends on what you are training to do in college. Entertainment--gee, I like to shoot. What do you like to do? (girls? me too!) Do you like the big city or pastoral life?

Indiana, excluding Gary, homeboyeeee, is exceeding "gun friendly." A lawsuit cleared the way for the mandatory issuance of pistol carry licenses. Easy to get Form 4s signed.

Oh, lucky085, remember you are not always stuck with the local redneck, white-trash Sheriff you does not know a bullet from a cartridge. NFA includes the PA for your LEO sign off as an alternate. Be sure to grease wells whoever you get your 4 signed by.

Gun ownership is not seen as a disease by Hoosiers even on the "elitist" northside of Indianapolis. If you have any specific questions, let me know (I went to L skool in the People's Republic of Illinois, Chicago-Kent, so I understand your frustration with the scum over there).