Looking for a good source for a camo finish on my G23,,,suggestions?


New member
Yup, I am strongly considering refinishing my 23 in a dessert camo pattern. Does anybody have any pics, links or whatever of Glocks or any gun for that matter with a camo finish on it?

Also, if you have any other finish recomendations I am all ears, I am not yet sold on the camo. Also, this finish whatever it may be will have to look nice and at teh same time be very durable.

I second that opinion

I sent them my USP40 to be refinished in Met III, and it's just plain awesome. I highly recommend their work.
Yea, I remember Rob's RealTree G20. Rob is Irlene Mandrell's husband. He was working with someone in Nashville, TN, to put the RealTree on existing firearms using a multidrip process much like the big boys use. He was charging $200 a firearm. That was a couple of years ago and I haven't heard anything about it since then.