Looking for a good boresight

I figure if I'm going to own more than one gun then I should FINALLY get a boresighter.

I'm open to suggestions, links and hints/parameters on what to look for in an item.

I've found this one:
Bushnell Boresight I'm looking to get

Like anything that I buy, I'd like to get the most out of it for the money.

Thank you ahead of time for you comments and help.
If you have bolt guns, bore sighters are a waste of money.

For other types, a mirror in the action works better than any other device that will be depending on a very precise centering in the barrel to be accurate.

Even working in a gun shop, mounting literally thousands of scopes, bore sighters are generally a waste of money
I never understood boresighting. I can get on paper just buy looking down the barrel of a bolt gun resting on some pillows, I bought a cheap $5 laser for my AR, set my sights 1.5" high at 20 feet, boom, only 3 inches off at 50 yards.
There is a huge misunderstanding that boresighting sights in your rifle.
Never owned or used one and cant see the need for one. A few shots at 25 yds to zero and away you go..Save your money.
I have never fired a rifle yet, regardless of action, that will not hit a 24"x24" piece of cardboard at 25 yards. And after the initial shot is fired, with the rifle held perfectly still, the crosshairs can be walked to the bullet hole (or lightly above it), and you will be close, or slightly high at 100 yards. With ONE SHOT.

The whole premise of bore-sighting is only to get on paper anywho. I've had them bore-sight scopes for me at the gun shop (years ago...before I knew better)....sometimes they were "close", other times not close at all.
Without flogging a dead horse, I have to chime in with a "save your money".

Actually, I was surprised at the responses. It would have been interesting if this was a "voting" post.

...bug :)
Learned the hard way . . .

Having used three different bore sights myself I have to agree with the others who have posted here. Wasted my $$$$.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young
I have made a lot of different scope mounts and modified a lot of them.
I need to use a bore sighter.
I like the magnetic Leupold zero point, and have a couple of them.
I have come up with an elaborate process of replacing the LED with a big green one and replacing the batteries with big AA ones.

It will always be on the paper, but with a wimpy recoiling gun like a .223 or 25/20 is will be bore sighted and then print within 2 moa.

With a light weight rifle in a belted magnum cartridge, it takes more sighting in.

Here is a 10 second video of a Leupold Bore sight I have converted from amber to green. I have a rack and pinion microscope focus system to center the camera.

Here is a link to a very good laser boresighter.


I have several rifles that all have picatinny rails on them. I have several scopes all in QD bases and I move them from rifle to rifle as the mood strikes me.

What I have found is that the aiming point can change a lot when switching a scope from one rifle to the next. It is true I could boresight looking through the barrel but I choose not to. I change out scopes and put the boresighter in and dial in the 25 yard zero very quickly. Do you have to have one? Probably not but they do make things easier for me.
