Looking for a D/A .22lr


New member
My Dad is looking for a good D/A .22Lr Revolver in current production. Looking for some good advise on Brands and Makes.
I have a S&W 617 six shot with 6" barrel. I'm very happy with it. It comes in 4", 6" and 8" barrels. All barrel lengths are available with 10 shot cylinders. Only the 6" is available with a 6 shot cylinder.

I would reccomend an older S&W. The blued steel models are available in a variety of frame sizes, barrel lengths, sights etc. The workmanship on the older ones is generally outstanding.

Buying a new S&W directly supports those who would disarm the citizens.

Taurus Tracker .22lr or .22 mag. Excelent accuracy and reliability.http://www.taurususa.com/tracker970.html[
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Smith & Wesson model 18

Not currently in production; but still available.
Price will be dictated by condition; as I've seen
specimen's in LNIB (pristine) advertised at
$599.00.:eek: :( :rolleyes:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
Older S&W Model 17,,the 6 in barrel or Model 18,,the 4 in barrel. The difference between the older ones and the new 617 is night and day. Honestly, the 617 6 inch I had a couple of years ago was such a lemon that it would turn anybody off of shooting for a lifetime. Mine was terrible and I hated it! Keyholes, and misfires were common place. It wouldn't shoot an entire 10 shot cylinder of ammo on the first strike. Accuracy and reliability were non-existant. It was way off balance with the full underlug and 6" barrel. A real POS.,,,strike that,,,at over $400.00 a real EXPENSIVE POS.

Dan Wesson also makes a fine .22 revolver, as does Ruger and Taurus.

Again though, the difference between them and the older Smiths triggerwise is night and day.
Depending on what he's looking for, and how much he wants to pay, there are good .22's from:
S&W in the "K" and "J" frame sizes.
The Ruger SP-101 and their single actions.
Dan Wesson.

All are in production.
First he has to decide what he's going to use it for. There's going to be different choices for a target gun vs a plinker.
Then he needs to decide what price range he's willing to buy.

I'd go to the nearest gun store and ask to look at their catalogs from the above makers.