Looking for .22 caliber cleaning rod


New member
I'm wondering if anyone knows of a manufacturer that offers a .22 caliber cleaning rod that has female 8-32 threads on both ends?

I have one of the Menck chamber irons that I would like to be able to use from the muzzle end utilizing the 7" handle that came with the tool, threaded into the rod.
I'm thinking I would prefer it be made of steel, but I'm open to options.

Pardon my unfamiliarity with what's available out there and thanks in advance for any help.
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It certainly does help if one of the sections had female threads on both ends, but I don't believe that's the case though I could be wrong.
I do like the idea of being able to adjust the length by having a rod that was sectioned rather than one piece though.
Some of the old (~ late-'70s and older) Outers aluminum-rod gun cleaning kits had one section of rod that was female on both ends.
It connected the T-handle section (male) to the others that were male on one end and female on the other.

They sometimes show up for sale on eBay, Gunbroker, etc.
A cleaning rod that has female 8-32 threads on both ends can be made using 1/8 or 3/32 steel bar stock and a die. Both of which you should be able to buy in Home Depot or Wally World.
turkeestalker, WAKE UP. You're having the dream again. snicker.
A cleaning rod that has female 8-32 threads on both ends can be made using 1/8 or 3/32 steel bar stock and a die. Both of which you should be able to buy in Home Depot or Wally World.
Umm...if you use a die it's going to be male threads.
few minute job for a man with a lathe to face, drill and tap...

Not so much...unless you can find stock with a diameter of .203 (Dewey SS rod spec).
More likely, involves turning three feet of .250 rod down using a follower, with the thread cutting after.
Not something I'd want to do as the surface finish would need to be mirror slick- not easily accomplished with such long, flimsy stock.
FrankenMauser is right as I do remember owning one of those back when.

I'm kind of surprised that of all the adapters available for the purpose of changing thread patterns and such, no one seems to have made a simple threaded sleeve that is 8-32 through.
I imagine that a rod coupling would serve the same purpose and do just fine.
That is provided that I can find a rod, preferably sectional now that I think about it, that is threaded female 8-32 on one end and male 8-32 on the other.

Anyone know the thread of the cheap little steel military-esque AR cleaning kits you see marketed in the olive drab canvas pouch?
One of those may do the trick though I think that those are 8-36 but I don't currently own one and am not certian.
If you're going to use a segmented rod, why not just shape a new handle from a section of the cleaning rod? Should be able to replicate the original radiused section pretty closely (if you want to) by bending around a pipe of suitable diameter.