Looking at a Plate Carrrier w/ level III plates


New member
I am looking to get a plate carrier. It is for the workplace. Plan would be to have it hanging in my office and if needed would put it on and exit the building. In my work environment I might be called on to respond to an incident so a plate carrier would at least give me some protection. There is a very small chance that this would ever happen but something happened today that gave me pause. There was a threat made, no gun was present, but if there was I more vulnerable than I should have been.

I cannot wear the carrier during my standard work day. It is not possible. I do carry but it has to be deep conceal BUG type carry because of the environment I am in. So I was looking at this set. For $200 it seemed like it would fit the bill.


Thoughts and suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance.
It would be nice to look it over in person to check out the construction. Looking at the video I did not get a good feel for how the plates were held in the carrier. I also wondered about the padding or lack of under the plates.
The price was not bad at all. I believe my Second Chance soft vest was more expensive than that 25 years ago.

Bob R