lookin for a holster


New member
:cool: I'm lookin for a holster for my Para P-13, I checked their site and they sent me to a link that showed holsters for almost every thing but a Para. Plan on getting my Concealed Carry Licence soon so it does not matter what kind of holster as long as it is decent, with the exception of a ankle holster.
Any input is much apperciated thanx in advance.

good shootin
Hey 1redneck

Some things to think about...maybe. I have my CCW permit and carry. The holster you choose is very,very important. Especially with a gun as hard to conceal as a Para 13. The holster has to position, hide and carry your gun...a good gun belt will help immensely.

What did you have in mind for a style/location? Stongside/cross draw/ IWB/Belt/ Straight of Canted? How much $ ....

If you give me an idea what you are looking for I will help.

Shoot well
I must agree with Eric. Some say that the holster is more important than the gun itself.

You can´t expect performance with your new tool in a poor $10 Fruit of the Loom holster.

Get some advice. And choose wisely.

Look at www.kramerleather.com I have been using some of this holsters for years now and must say they are top of the line.
I love my P13.45, but it is heavy to carry (mine's stainless, and the 13+1 rounds don't help). The best holster I've found is the Galco Concealable. I've got a box full of holsters, and that's probably my favorite (other than ankle holsters, which don't work with the P13.45). Another favorite of mine is an IWB holster worn in the small of my back, I like the Uncle Mike's. The Concealable runs around 60 bucks, but you can find them cheaper on the net. The Uncle Mike's generally runs around 15-20.