Look what they've done in Kalifornia now...


Moderator Emeritus
DC is going to have a s*it fit over this! ;)


Los Angeles Bans Gun Sales On County Property

Updated 8:51 PM ET August 24, 1999

By Dan Whitcomb

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Two weeks after an alleged white supremacist shooting spree left five people wounded and one man dead, Los Angeles County voted Tuesday to put the "world's largest gun show" out of business.

By 3 to 2, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to ban gun and ammunition sales on county property -- meaning that the heavily attended Great Western Gun Show will not be able to take place at the

fairgrounds in Pomona, as it has for the past 30 years.

Great Western President Karl Amelang told the supervisors before they voted that a ban would kill the show, which is reportedly the world's largest and pumps about $9 million a year into the local economy.

Amelang said Great Western would take legal action against the board and accused it of aiming at the wrong target.

"Instead of addressing the underlying causes for the unfortunate assaults by twisted minds on innocent victims, this motion is a thinly veiled attempt to destroy the constitutional rights of a legal entity," he said.

But County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, who sponsored the measure, said: "Gun violence has ravaged this country. Illegal automatic and semiautomatic weapons have ravaged the schools, day-care centers, day camps, and other public institutions and religious institutions all over the United States."


Eventually, California is going to supply the rest of the country with a legal precedent from the Supreme Court that will decide once and for all the validity of the 2nd in regard to personal freedom. And it is knee-jerk legislation like this that will put it in front of the judge.

What about the ignorance of this Yaroslavsky person saying, "Illegal automatic and semiautomatic weapons have ravaged the schools, day-care centers, day camps..." What, the illegal weapons ravaged these places by themselves?

This kinda stuff is really starting to P!$$ me off. How long before this crap gets to Ohio and affects me and mine?

Trying to calm down now...




"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
I heard that on the news this evening...I like to find a way to stick it in and break it off on these bas*ards, Hopefully if and when this stuff goes to the supreme ct. we win and to do that we dont need the democrats appointing more damn judges......fubsy.
I hope there is a nearby county who will host the show. Maybe they'd appreciate a new source of $

Personally, I think it's time we invite these statists to a dance, a mambo.

Then when these dipsticks get there, we introduce them instead to a deep relationship with Coinneach's mamba!
I'd expect no less from ol' Zev.

He was a 60's radical and was elected as an LA councilman when I was a child. He and Tom Hayden are old buddies and have been attached at the hip since the 60's. He is a career pol, a borderline communist and he has achieved his craved elite authority.

Do an extensive search on Zev....you'll be disgusted.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I'm not an attorney, but I have a couple of legal questions about this situation that some of our members may be able to answer.

I'm assuming that the gun show in question had some sort of ongoing contractual agreement to hold their event at the LA fairgrounds. Does canceling this agreement on such short notice incur any sort of penalty on the part of LA county?
Considering that the county reaps $9 million from this event, the actual gross revenue of the gun show must be considerably higher. This loss of income to Great Western is a direct result of the actions of the LA county supervisors, and it seems to me that they should be held responsible for that loss.

Not that legality and due process have any legitimate place in our society today, but can these supervisors ban a "specific" legal activity from public property without banning all other events as well?
Despite all the rhetoric, a gun show is a perfectly legal activity that complies with all local regulations. So how can one group be banned while another is not?
Unless all other events are similarly banned from public property, then it seems to me that this is a clear violation of someones civil rights.
I don't think I'll hold my breath waiting for the ACLU to jump in on this one though.
I'm hoping that Orange County will pick up that show. With that kind of annual intake, OC could totally rebuild and update their fairgrounds. Another reason I'd like OC to pick up this show; they don't charge $5 to park, on top of the $7 entry fee.

Speaking of which, did anyone who went to last week's OC gun show notice the reporter at the show entrance? They had just begun to set up when I went in and didn't see them when I came out. Was there a broadcast or did it get shelved because there was nothing to report?

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited August 25, 1999).]
I don't know what the laws are like in kali when it comes to things like this. But if the contract with county has been signed the county can be held to it. I have on numerous occassions dealt with the city and county for use of property for the institution that I work for. To use any public facility, fair grounds, convention centers, whatever, you need to start at least six months in advance.

I believe that the county sups, by cancelling the gun show, placed their county in a big legal mess. I have dealt with this type of stuff in four states and the least that could happen is the county will be forced by the court to allow the gun show. If there is a judge in Kali that really gives a damn about the law. There is the issue of restraint of trade, failure to comply with a contracted service and I'm sure a bunch others that a good lawyer can come up with.

Okay, so what's a Kalifornian to do?

*****VOTE THE MORONS OUT!!!!!!**** And, let them know why!

I watch Kali because Arizonain politicians like to do what the big boys do. Because they can't think for themselves.

Good Luck Califorina, you're gonna need it

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory
sounds to me like the county didn't cancell the gun show

they just said that you can't sell guns and ammo at the gun show.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?

There were 3 TV crews outside when I left. The word at the fair was that there were not going to be any more gun shows at the Orange County fairgrounds after the 1st of the year.
Chink, you're right. That's exactly what they did.

I was a vendor at the OC show and it was the best one I ever had there. The promoter said that they had a record crowd of over 10,000. The news crews provided about $30,000.00 free advertizement for the event.

Supposedly, Orange County is placing a "moritorium" on future gunshows in Y2K untill they can "study the problem" (read check the polls and watch the courts) and reach a solution.

If LA county gets away with this move, you can bet other counties and even some states will try the same thing. It's the PC thing to do these days. It will have to be fought in the courts.

Personally, I believe that the individual politicians who push these things should be targeted for retaliation. Not physical retaliation or anything like that, but recall attempts, lawsuits, and campaigns to make their political lives miserable should be the automatic reaction for each and every one of them.

So far they can push stuff like this with no fear of consequences. We just take it and take it. We never fight back. We just try to hold our ground and we lose...and lose...and lose.

It's time to fight back. Make them defend against something for a change. A defender is always at a disadvantage, so we need to put them on the defensive. We need to attack in the same arena that they play in and if we win or if we lose, we keep attacking. Don't give up when we lose one and, (this is the most important), don't rest on our laurels when we win one.

Join in the recall effort against Gray Davis. Sign the petition to get SB23 on the ballot. Help with lawsuits against "Ol' Zev" and other L.A. County supervisors.
Write to friendly polititions and get them to introduce pro-gun legislation and try to roll back some of the crap we have to deal with.

Just writing and calling politicians and saying "Please Mr congressman, please don't take my rights away" isn't going to do it much longer.

It's about to the point where we have to "Do something, even if it's wrong"



"That no free man should ever be disarmed".
Not that I disagree on the stupidity angle! ;) BUT - I first started going to those shows when they were at the Great Western Exhibit Center. Some idiot sniveled about that, so the shows moved to the LA Co. fairgrounds. Now they will move again, likely to some area that'll appreciate the mega $$$ that the show brings in.
La County will lose due to Democrat well-poisoning again. But they are above loving the dollar, aren't they? Ask the Chinese...

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...