Look what I found...

Rainbow Six

New member
Found myself a schweeeet little Ruger Police Service-Six today. Went to buy a bore snake and ended up with a new toy. Go figure.:rolleyes:

Anyway, she's really nice. No apparent "carry" wear and no visible flame cutting or cone erosion. In fact, the only sign that it was even fired would be some *light* black rings around the cylinder holes on front. Nothing a little Flitz won't cure, but I think it adds character. Finish is dang near 100% and the original wooden stocks on 'er are 100% and look like brand new. The hammer barely shows any wear from striking the piece that hits the firing pin. I don't think she's seen much use at all. :D

Pic included...



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That's a good looking piece, Rainbow. I've been known to come home with the unanticipated purchase from time to time as well. Some deals are just too good to pass up!
OK, I gotta ask, how much??
I spied a couple of them at a local dealer, didn't inspect them real close but they looked pretty nice but probably not as good as the one you got. I believe he's asking around $280.

I gave $275 for it with a box of ammo and 3 hours range time thrown in and a discount on the bore snake that I originally went in for. :)


What's this????? A second revolver in as many months for the priest of the church of Glock? I'm shocked.:)

Sounds (and looks) like you made a good deal. Was this at Advanced or in towards the big city?

BTW, I'm still interested in meeting up with you some Saturday and trying out that new V-Comp. I'll bring the .45 ACP CZ for you to try out. Let me know.


Actually, I have bought four non-Glocks (revolvers) in the last two months. The V-Comp, the Service-Six, an older S&W 65 that a Cobb officer had and a NAA .22mag mini gun. They were all too good to pass up on quality and price! :D The Service-Six came from Wolf Creek.

I'll try to plan on making it to AB one Saturday soon. I'd love to try out that CZ .45. I also want to shoot your CZ75B again. I've been fondling those things a lot at Adventure Outdoors. :D
