Look Out! That man has a spoon!

It has a place to send mail to the White House, and you click on it, where you fill out your name and address (why not?). Then you tell them who you represent. ("Private Citizen") Then a line on what this pertains to. I typed: "Stop the Madness: This Weapon Could Ruin Our Lives."

Body of the message: (limit 10,000 words)

As you well know, the ability to do harm must be extinguished. I fully agree with this administration's assertion that the individual must not be allowed to be accountable in his own right. Mere ownership of these sick tools of destruction will, as a matter of inevitable course, result in harm and needless suffering to human life.

It has come to my attention that this administration has done NOTHING to stop the sale and distribution of spoons. My God! Do you realize what a stainless steel soup ladle could do to a child, in the hands of a crazed madman? Worse yet, many spoons are sharp at the edge of the bowl, and yet are highly concealable. New advances in spoon technology have allowed certain irresponsible merchants of death to manufacture spoons that are made of materials *completely undetectable* by metal detectors.

If it saves just one child....


(My Name.)
I'm sure some dim-bulb will read the first few words, and put you in the pro-socialist column....