Look Out Deer!

I'm not a salesman for the stuff, but for the last several years I have been using a product called "Scent-a-way". I figured it was easier to kill the human odor, than to disguise it.
The way I proved it to myself, was an old kitchen trash can, we were using at camp, that smelled like something rolled up and died in it. We sprayed it with every kind of Glade and Freshen up thing we could find and nothing seemed to work.
Opening morning as I was getting ready to leave camp. I was spraying my scent away on my boots and clothing, and just kind of as an after thought, sprayed the trash can down with it, and the odor was totally gone. I thought it might just be my nose, so I asked the other guys to smell it, and no one could smell the odor. Since then it has become a staple item at camp, and we all go together and buy the stuff by the case and split it up between us.

I use it around the house all the time, as the price is almost the same as buying air freshener, and it works better.
I'm pretty serious about deer hunting and pretty wary of gimmicks. I've also used Scent-A-Way and now, after several years, I swear by it.

It's really hard to prove anything like that is doing what it's supposed to, but I've had very few deer wind me while using Scent-A-Way. I spray it on my pant legs when walking in, and then on my face, neck and hands once I'm in the stand.

Good luck with your new.....stuff.
I thought about the "Scent Away" but I always have to be different and I didn't seem to see much difference using Scent Away in past years. Sometimes I shoot myself in the foot being like that but oh well... :o

I guess the name "Nose Jammer" sounded more aggressive to me LOL!! :D
I've used Scent A Way in the past as well with mixed results. Switch a few seasons ago to the Scent Smoker. You guys should give it a look.

Had a buddy of mine recommend it, I've never looked back.
According to the maker, the main ingredient in "nose jammer" is vanilin, a by product of the pulp industry. Since the demand for Vanilin far exceeds the supply of natural vanilin found in the vanilla bean, the majority of vanilla flavoring is now synthesized. This same Lignin based Vanilin used for "Nose Jammer" was once the primary source for vanilla flavoring used by ice cream, chocolate and candy manufacturers along with the Vanilla extract your wife has in the cupboard. Due to health and environmental issues it is no longer used for that purpose. Surprisingly, Vanilin has been the base for many deer attractant scents for many years. Anybody that ever used the old "acorn" scent knows it smelled heavily of vanilla. It too worked well till the deer got used to it. Vanilla extract itself was a popular cover scent years ago before commercial cover scents were popular or readily available. I used it myself regularly as a kid bowhunting 45 years ago. I'm thinkin' the "Nose Jammer" folks have put an old trick in a new can and even tho they are getting the now otherwise unsellable by-product for little of nuttin', are chargin' $15 for a spray can with the same amount you can buy at your local grocery store in a little glass bottle for $4. Since the maker is a outfitter/guide and not a chemist/scientist I doubt if there is much, if any alteration or restructuring of the chemical makeup other than a little CO-2 for propellant.