Look at what I got in the mail from Hillary today


New member

Look at the topic she decided to use in Indiana... Guns. Gee, how surprising given we're one of the bigger gun owning states in the country.

What a dumb !@#$... who really thinks she's any better on the topic of guns than Obama (or anyone else) given her hubby's track record?
I hate Hitlery but I hate Obama more.

I honestly believe that on our RKBA Hitlery is a tad less worse (if that makes any sense) than Obama.

I'm not voting Dem but if I could vote in the Dem primary I'd pick the broad.
My God, that's like the pot calling the kettle, uh, well, you know....

I'm not buying Hillary's sudden pro-gun stance.
Has anyone looked closely at the rifle pictured? What the heck kind of scope is that? The mounts are like nothing I've ever seen before.
Plus, it's a sinister rifle...

I've seen 'em before, but couldn't tell you where... Might be German or something - maybe someone ask Oleg - if it's older hardware, he's probably seen it at one time or another.

Me, if I lived in Indiana, I'd vote for Hillary...

1) McCain's got the Republican nomination locked.

2) A vote for Hillary is heartburn for Obama.

And seriously, if the Democratic party thinks that people are voting pro-gun, well, they'll be less likely to leap to screw us in the future.​

3) It's fun hearing the screams from the coasts.
Claw mount, left handed, double set triggers with impressed checkering and a Williams sight...action looks like a Mauser 66...


Totally made up.

This pamphlet is an insult to anyones intelligence!!!!!!

I predict McCain by a landside. If not, I'm moving to Israel or Japan :)

WildicanfleeAlaska TM
Claw mount, left handed, double set triggers with impressed checkering and a Williams sight...action looks like a Mauser 66...


Totally made up.

This pamphlet is an insult to anyones intelligence!!!!!!
So true, so true. Well, it is an insult to anybody who knows anything about guns at all. I actually do think that they are trying to reach out to a certain segment of the gun owning population. But just how many clueless Fudds is she going to convince? Wouldn't it have been better to use, uh, something like what an average shooter or hunter would actually be using? I mean, come on. Just how many "average" shooters have a rifle with double triggers? Huh? Given that the rifle is fiction, isn't it still intended to represent what some socially elite person would have? Party of the people, right? Uh Huh. Ya, sure...
It's funny that the frankenrifle pictured is laying across desert camo...

Its Multi-cam not desert camo. Its one of those new fangled universal military camos that is effective in many different types of environments. It is bizarre they would use the relatively unknown multi-cam in the ad picture. You would think they would use a typical hunter camo such as Mossy oak etc. It does look like a Mauser 66 action though never knew they had dual triggers.
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Yeah wow, that's some gun there. Just shows neither candidate knows a d**n thing about firearms. Or maybe I'm not up on my obscure stuff either.

Seriously though, what bolt action rifle has two triggers?
Anyone care to send a Hillary a polite memo to her group that if they're going to pander to a specific group, they should at least pander with real firearms and accessories? Diagram that imaginary rifle for her so she can get it right the next time she uses that envelope.
Ummm... things are all backwards this year.... a democrat candidate trashing another democrat for being anti-gun. :confused:

Zebob: Trust no one.

Jeff: Except.... for us.

Zebob: Good call Jeff. Yes, trust noone except for us.