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Longest post givaway?


New member
Whats this I read on another forum about the givaway for the loooooonnnnngggggeeeesssssttt post? I had one going on the political forum a couple of weeks ago about Buchanan and Bush and it was closed because it was getting waaay too long according to the administrator. I'm not mad about it, but it hardly seems fair to me if there was a contest going on that I was unaware of. The thread was on topic, following rules, no trolling, and I was learning something. Can anyone fill me in?

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
My God! Encourage LONGER posts? Why?

My problem is trying to address my subject as BRIEFLY as possible.

So far, the best and shortest post (for brevity and effect) is "Bite me!" - a comment I refuse to make to anyone who has teeth and drinks... ;)
"Thread" is the word that I should have used. I meant thread. The reason I brought this up was that while searching a hard to find multisearch engine called "Noah's Ark 2010", I ran across another forum. Wish I could remember where it was and who said it, but they invited those on that forum to sign up and win some accessories for posting the longest THREAD I guess is the right word. Well, maybe someone was trying to pull a fast one, or maybe this is something that I shouldn't have brought up w/out clearing it with the administrator first by email. The last thing that I'd want to do is to open a hornets nets, (although I think this might be more like a case of sweat bees).

I just spent 45 min. wasting time looking for the quote. Should have copied it at the time I guess. Not worth wasting any more time to me. It wasn't as if any firearms were being offered and it may be someones idea of a joke. I dunno. I don't really care anymore. Its great just being here, prize or not. Asta Luego. Excuse de Espanol.
You're right. That was about the second post on this Forum, by me, attempting to get people to stop by. This was October 1998. Kodiac and Rob, competitive types, immediately posted such notables as "What is your favorite handgun?" and we had to have a "meeting of the minds". I believe Kodiac won that one....AFCK?

Anyway, it was a jump start promotional.
Thanks for clearing that up Rich.
It was a different forum that I saw it on. Not as good as this one or I'd have bookmarked it.
It seems to have worked though.

Glad this forum has been a successs.

LOL! Yeah - I pulled a QB sneak and made a touch down. Still have the AFCK! It is resting in a place of honor. (But is soon to be sent out for some custom modifications. Getting some Blued Titanium scales put on to replace the black G10.)

That was a fun time. TFL was brand spanking new and breath of fresh air. Still is.

That contest was tricky.
You start a thread and had to mark it as "For Contest" But once marked - people stayed away! So what I did was mark one - started another... and after the thread took off - I edited the posts and retagged my live thread with the entry note. It was a sneaky low down snake in the grass thing to do... :)
But Rich made good to those less imaginative members that I ambushed. Insert evil laughter here.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud