You got the right web sight for two of the best publications in the area of your interest.
There are very good articles on long range shooting by active partitioners popping up on a regular basis in "Precission Shooting" and hopefully the same will be true of the new "Accurate Rifle" as well.
Tactile Shooter did not generate the minimum advertising it takes to barely get out a regular magazine, so it whas been renamed and broadened somewhat (how far I don't know). At least that is my take from what they said themselves. It tended to be dominated by Police and Military sniper and SWAT Team shooting. I think they are going to try and get into more civilian sport shooting in the future.
"Preccion Shooting" tries to keep up with the world of bench rest and precission target shooting, but strays far from the path in several articles in each issue, so don't over look it if you are not into bench rest shooting. Some the most interesting artcles pop up there and have for a long time.
As noted, these magazines tend to be dominated by articles from interesting shooters that you would not see in the regular gunzines: serious people who are experimenting with various types of equipment and shooting situations and summing up their observations for the rest of us. Lots of interesting stuff pops up, long range shooting amongst them on a regular basis.