Long range Savage 110 build: convert 300WM long action to short action or...?

Tac Beard

I'm kicking around the idea of building a long range target rifle out of my old (pre-Accu-Trigger, blind staggered magazine) Savage 110 .300 Win Mag.

As much as I love the current chambering, the 6.5 Creedmoor would be better suited to higher volume long range target shooting- I don't need to burn all that powder just to ring steel at 1,000 yards. I'm thinking heavy barrel, McMillan stock, maybe detachable AI mag setup, etc.

Obviously, I'll need a barrel (and the appropriate swap tools) and different bolt head. What else? A bolt stop to limit travel for use with the shorter cartridge perhaps?

Thanks in advance.

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Most 110's will be controlled feed, while most of the bolts for short action calibers are push feed. All this means is you may have to take the action mounted ejector off if you go from controlled feed to push feed. Very simple task.

A bolt stop to limit travel for use with the shorter cartridge perhaps?

No, not needed. Nor would it work reliably unless you put a spacer behind or in the magazine somehow to prevent the rounds from moving too far rearward to be picked up by the bolt.

What else?

While you are going to the trouble, I would get a Savage Shooter Supply competition recoil lug. They are guaranteed to be square. They really work best if you true the action, but I put one in a budget build where I didn't true the action and I believe it helped. I know it helped on the other rifle I built with trued action. Plus they aren't all that expensive at 30 bucks. It is certainly not needed, and there is a chance it may not help. But it may.
So I see Savage Shooter Supply is actually named Sharp Shooter Supply. I believe it is the same company as the products appear to be identical and they offer the same custom services, but I'm not 100%. I know for a fact it was Savage Shooter Supply the last time I ordered from them, which has been years ago (like at least 7).
Most 110's will be controlled feed, while most of the bolts for short action calibers are push feed. All this means is you may have to take the action mounted ejector off if you go from controlled feed to push feed. Very simple task.

I think you are mistaken, I've yet to see a 110 that isn't push round feed, as that has to do with the extractor snapping over the rim as the cartridge is chambered as opposed to controlled round feed where the rim slides up under the extractor during feeding (like a Mauser).

To my knowledge, Savage has never produced a controlled feed 10/110. My 110 is definitely push feed.

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I may be mistaken that most of the 110s are controlled feed. I know for fact that some of them are. Belted magnums (at least in a couple of my builds) were controlled feed. I don't think any model 10s were.

At any rate, sorry for any confusion. OPs rifle, being a magnum may be controlled feed. I guess depends on year model, but I have definitely seen a controlled feed 300 mag. I know, I replaced the bolt with a push feed, removed the ejector, and rebarreled for 270.
Just to nitpick I believe that I heard that some models come with a control feed bolt head. If I'm not mistaken they are designed for "dangerous game" as control feed is considered more reliable in critical situations. It seems that the WSM's may also receive a control feed bolthead due to their stubanisaty.:)

Truthly I don't realy know, just parroting what I have read here and on other forums.
Kinda the same predicament

I also have a really old 110 that I would like to convert for long-range target shooting. After a year of way over-thinking this, I have settled on .260 Remington. The long action means there is plenty of room to seat the bullets way out. Slightly more powder capacity than 6.5CM. More efficient than 6.5x55mm; seems like the .260 can do anything the 6.5x55 can do with less powder. Brass can (usually) be easily formed from .308 brass. Haven't done it yet, but that is the direction I am going.
"...a controlled feed..." Makes no difference if it's push, pull or belt fed. A .300 Win Mag is a belted magnum that uses a long action. The Creed uses a short action. The Mag's empty case is nearly as long as the Creed's loaded round(2.620" vs 2.825".). And the Creed's case head diameter is 59 thou smaller.
It'd cost a pile of money to convert to a rimless case(fitting a new bolt) and rebarrel. Probably need a different mag follower too. Definitely need a trigger job if that hasn't been done already.
It'd cost a pile of money to convert to a rimless case(fitting a new bolt) and rebarrel. Probably need a different mag follower too. Definitely need a trigger job if that hasn't been done already.

A new bolt head is about 30 bucks shipped. New mag construction may be needed but that won't be much more than the bolt head. Good barrels aren't cheap, but decent barrels can be had for 200 bucks if this is a budget build. I guess it depends on what constitutes a pile of cash, but savages are cheap and easy to build from. He could get out for less than 300 all in.