Long-barreled NAA Mini-revolvers


New member
In an earlier thread, I noticed that most of the love for the NAA Mini-revolvers seemed to center on the short-barreled versions (Standard, Pug, etc.). But NAA makes longer-barreled (3"+) versions like the Mini-Master and the Earl....and they must be popular if NAA is still selling them. Plus, having the extra performance from a 4" barrel in a package that's still smaller & lighter than a LCR .22lr sounds pretty appealing.

How many here prefer and/or carry a 3" or longer barreled mini? How do you carry it? And what led you to choose it over its stubby counterpart?
I've had a Mini Master with dual cylinders for several years. Why did I buy that model? I wasn't just looking for a BUG but a little revolver that could do lots of things. For instance, I usually carry a Ruger Bearcat when fishing. The Mini Master can do that just about as well in an even smaller package. Adjustable easy to see sights, stainless construction, and can use .22 Magnum.

All lightweight revolvers demand a lot from their users. Whether we are talking Ruger Bearcat or S&W M63. You need to be consistent on how you hold the gun and achieving a straight back trigger pull. Concentrate hard on the sights. I use the Bearcat and M63 as trainers for that reason. The Mini Master is even tougher, especially that little spur trigger. But if you are really careful with it, the darn little thing can shoot. And you can really tell a difference between .22 LR and .22 Magnum when you shoot things like water filled jugs.

I do carry mine as a BUG sometimes when I'm wearing a jacket or vest. It is super lightweight so it is really just a matter of dealing with the OAL. A little slip on pocket holster and vertical carry in a breast pocket has worked best for me. Grip straight up, barrel straight down. If you can find a way to put it in a jacket where it doesn't poke at you, you will forget all about it.
