Logistical problem

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Since I can't post ammo and supplies to the US because it's illegal and too expensive anyway Im looking for some way of getting it to people in the US.
I know Wal Mart and Kmart sell guns and ammo so do they sell gift vouchers ? and accept credit cards from someone overseas ?
I'm looking for a store or gun shop or something that has a voucher system that will let me buy a lot of them. This is to pay affiliate sites and some writers.
Getting a cheque in US dollars costs a lot and would cost more to get than the actual cheque sometimes. Getting a lot of cheques done would cost too much.
Can anyone give me some ideas or help ?

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LesCnow... Bear wid me, 'cuz ah'm a leetle slo on the uptake here:

You want to give payola to someone(s) in a furIN place, without going down for a money-laundering scheme, but let them assume the risk of reporting "income".

U don't wanna use drachmas, geedis, bucks, yen, won, francs, ruples, marks, pounds or any other actual coin of the any respective realms, or their respective transfer documents.

You wanna use some intermediary form of real value for the exchange, preferably via the 'Net, or via an international toll free number, to save on overhead costs.

Sounds kinda like what you want is a "universal credit" as doled out by the totalitarian futuristic institutions of science fiction, instead of a voucher that barters goods for services (ala the gift certificates).

Consider this:
Use no membership fee credit cards, paid in full each month to preclude interest and carrying charges. Get one account for each of your "associates". Limit each account to the most you expect to pay monthly to the respective associate. This limits your liability in case the associate tries to screw you. It also allows the associate to get paid in either goods or cash (at current exchange rates). It gives you an audit trail (account statements) of the cost of doing business with the associate. NOTE: this may incur fees for cash advances depending on card policies. You'll have essentially established an "expense account" for each.

Have your associate establish a savings account (usually no fee) in their local financial institution or fiduciary of choice. Have them give you the complete electronic routing code to the account. Have your bank electronically transfer the equivalent value amount (exchange rate based, of course) to the respective associate’s account. NOTE: this may require some minimal fee for the transfer service. Your institution may have such options for a single transfer from your account that is automatically dispersed to theirs, especially if the amount is the same each time, such as with retainers, etc.

Good luck! If I could remember my foreign bank account number, I'd send you a bill for the services rendered, but it disappeared when the battery on my data-bank watch went dead... damned thing didn’t even wait for Y2K!!

WARNING: All sovereignties, by literal definition, exist to levy taxes. In many countries, murder is a crime easier to beat than tax evasion. In the US, both employees and employers are taxed. Many countries (especially the USA!!!) have extradition treaties for such crimes, and if you really get their attention, will send someone to "collect", in which case options are rather limited.

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited May 19, 1999).]
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