Lockyer is going to confiscate your guns now!!!

The registration list IS the confiscation list!!!
Just like NY D Dinkens
the liberals said the lists would never be used to confiscate legally owned and registered
weapons. Will we ever learn?
"Luis Tolley, the Western director of Handgun Control, called Lockyer's proposal a victory. `Gun smugglers and others who broke the law are now on notice that the assault weapon law will be enforced and those caught with illegal, unregistered assault weapons will be held accountable,' Tolley said in a written statement."

Gun smugglers? How about people that simply owned an AR? Couldn't happen, right Luis? Check out fascism in the dictionary, Luis. You resemble that remark.

Amazing how many criminals you have in society when you keep outlawing and banning more and more products and behavior. Of course, that does have the 'beneficial' effect of giving governments the ability to arrest more and more people when and where they choose. How convenient.

We've discussed this elsewhere, but also check out http://nrawinningteam.com/confiscation/calockyer.html .

Regards from AZ
Guns aren't my only worry, Pea, there's a serious water grab going on in my county.

I have the option of non-compliance where guns are concerned. I have no options when my water is stolen by a liberal socialist city

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
The link has changed already. This site seems to change several times a day. Could you post some exerpts now and in the future when citing this source?
Calif. Shifts on Assault Weapons

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- The state attorney general
agreed Tuesday to drop his predecessor's appeal of a lawsuit
over gun registration, clearing the way for the state to order
owners of about 1,600 assault weapons to surrender them to
law enforcement.

Attorney General Bill Lockyer will ask the Legislature to
provide funding to compensate owners who turn in the
weapons, valued at $750 to $1,500 each, spokesman Nathan
Barankin said.

A June 1989 state law prohibited the sale and possession of 62
models of military-style assault weapons. But it let residents
who owned the weapons at that time keep them if they
registered them with the state by March 30, 1992.

Lockyer's predecessor, Dan Lungren, let people who owned
the guns before June 1989 register them without prosecution or
confiscation after the 1992 deadline.

Handgun Control and the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
sued Lungren and won a ruling from a San Francisco judge in
1997 that any registration of the banned weapons after March
1992 was invalid. Lungren appealed.

Lockyer, a Democrat who succeeded the Republican Lungren
as attorney general eight months ago, plans to ask a state
appeals court this week to approve the settlement, Barankin

Lungren did not respond to a message left Tuesday on his
home answering machine by The Associated Press seeking
comment on Lockyer's decision.

Luis Tolley, the Western director of Handgun Control, called
Lockyer's proposal a victory.

``Gun smugglers and others who broke the law are now on
notice that the assault weapon law will be enforced and those
caught with illegal, unregistered assault weapons will be held
accountable,'' Tolley said in a written statement.

Sam Paredes, deputy director of Gun Owners of California,
accused Lockyer of going after owners who registered their
weapons in good faith.

``It is unreasonable to have citizens who tried to obey the law
and who followed the directions of the attorney general to be
forced to surrender their guns. That is ridiculous,'' Paredes said.

Nearly 50,000 assault weapons were registered by the 1992

[This message has been edited by PEA SHOOTER (edited August 18, 1999).]
Hey Kalifornians, I see there are 50,000 assault weapons that must be turned in. That is several divisions. How many coppers does the Peoples Republic have to go after these owners? Looks like there is a possiblility for Lexington and Concord II.
The guns to be confiscated are the 1600 that were registered after the deadline. The ex-AG extended the period, 1600 were registered during the extension. HCI sued on the grounds that the AG did not have the legal authority to extend the period.

They are not yet going after the 50,000 registered prior to the deadline.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Of course, emphasis on 'yet'. The 50,000 must eventually be confiscated because they are 'unsafe' - they go off when the trigger is pulled.
Just read the documents that were on the site that Jeff posted. We used to have a sign at the CA./OR. border that said something along the line of..........

"please visit but don't stay"

I think we need one that says.........


I am curious to see what Kalifornians do. Will they march down to the Sheriff's office and turn em in or will they say screw you socialist pigs.

This is a LITMUS test for the rest of the nation. The anti-gunners/ socialist/ New World Order Utopians will be watching this one very closely.

What will it be in California?

Hey everybody that lives outside of CA. YOU ARE NEXT!! REMEMBER.
They'll turn those firearms in, of course. They have a cocktail party to get to. No time to discuss the finer points of law, philosophy or politics ...
Mr. Thomas,

Stop generalizing. You are generally very cogent and reason well. I'm surprised that you so easily denigrate all Californians, many of whom are your brothers and sisters in arms. There are socialist liberals in Arizona also.

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
I don't know what the rest of the Californians will do, but I will not comply. I'm not registering. I'm not turning it, reselling or whatever the hell else these braindead fascist tries to pawn off as good lawmaking. If they want to come and arrest me fine. No more compromises.
I'm from Kalifornia. But don't hold that against me. I've faught the good fight, won and won again but the anti gunners keep at it and keep at it. They just will not stop even though a majority of restrictive gun laws have been rejected by the initiative process. Basically, politicians don't care what the people have voted for. They are out to make the media happy so the media says good things about them so they can get re-elected. You can't escape the massive media spin here in California. California is more than a test case with new laws......we are a test case for the effectiveness of new media spin on any given subject.

A good example is proposition 187 that bars illegal aliens from recieving free education and health care. The politicians ignored it even though the proposition won by a landslide. There are a lot of upset people and they have a recall going agasinst the governor because he ignored the vote of the people.

The same thing with gun control. Even though we, as gun owners, have beat the anti gun forces at virtually every turn the media has constantly beaten the drum against guns at a fever pitch here in California. Finally, enough liberal politicians got in office and a liberal governor got in office that they finally succeeded in gatting all these new, draconian, gun laws passed. This is a testament to the continuing power of the media to affect public opinion against anything they may take a disliking to. They have effected social change to the point where it will destroy America as we know it.

During the 1989 assault rifle ban, a vast majority of Californians refused to register their rifles. 50,000 are now registered but there is many more times that number that have openly defied the law as unconstitutional.

They are all now felons.

The test case refered to above already happened in 1989 here in California with a majority of gun owners refusing to register their assault rifles. The newest test case is with the 1600 who registered after the deadline. Lets wait and see just how many turn them in. I'll bet it will be a minority of the 1600 who registered after the deadline.

I have talked to many who are now in this boat and I assure you, there will be killings on both sides of the law should there ever be door to door confiscation. I guess this is what is going to be tested.........the resolve of the current gun owners who have become felons at the stroke of an unconstitutional pen.

PS Should any of these gun owners have the resolve to fight, to shoot it out rather than give up their guns, the media will spin it against all gun owners and how guns just need to be outlawed all together. You think you are demonized now? Just wait!

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited August 20, 1999).]
I haver said it before and i will say it again. Dont trash the gunowners in Kalifornia. What happens there will happen everywhere. I doubt many will turn in many guns. The question is what the authorities will do to get the guns.I live in a state with just the same type of evil politicos. Here is my concern. i am afraid the authorities will offer rewards to people who snitch on their neighbors. Then the police can sneak in and grab a lot of guns. The biggest enemy we gunowners have is OUR FELLOW NON GUNOWING CITIZENS! For the unholy US federal(feral) reserve note, the average us citizen will turn his own mother in. Think about it. look around at your neighbors. I bet i am pretty correct in my assessment of the average citizen of this corporate state. I you live in a city or town ,your neighbor could very well be your worst enemy.