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"Locked" vs. "Deleted" and "the line"


New member
With the upfront admission that I'm merely curious, it's none of my business and nobody's life will be enhanced by the knowledge...

What does a thread have to do to get "disappeared" as opposed to simply "locked"?

It may be me worrying over my memory as I age but "disappeared" threads leave little trace and I'm left wondering if my memory is playing tricks. It's mildly disconcerting. Whereas "locked" threads are right there where I left them - like my teeth in the jar by the door - very comforting.

There was one that vanished without a trace today that I didn't recall having any profanity though it had a title that was misleading in epic proportions and had no shortage of attitude, though not appreciably different than the typical "versus" thread. 'Course it may have degenerated after I lost saw it while it still lived.

Anyhow, in general terms, what gets a "lockable" thread sent off to digital Limbo?

...not like I'm looking to start one or more - just curious.
There are no hard and fast rules.

Only general guidelines driven by moderator experience and gut feelings.

Often a mod who is worried about a thread will discuss it with the rest of staff to try to arrive at a consensus of whether the thread should be closed, disappeared, whatever.

The only truly sure thing is that spam messages will always disappear. This is a firearms board, not the Nigerian National Cellphone Vendorama, and Rich doesn't pony up his bandwidth so that some shyster can make a buck.

If you're feeling as if you're seeing messages one minute, and the next minute they're gone?

It's the blue pills, man. Either cut the dosage, or up it, but don't try to maintain.
Jart, if you think you're having a senior moment, just hollar at me via PM and ask if the thread you were thinking of disappeared or not. I may not go into detail as to why it was deleted. However, I can tell you if you still have your sanity...;)
I appreciate the offer - I availed myself of such help one time prior - a truly mysterious "Bermuda Triangled" thread concerning COP pistols and 4 barrel firearms that apparently went totally around the bend in between my log-ins.

The recent abduction was far less mysterious - I was expecting a lock and just got curious what distinguished one "Brand bash / love / snob / food fight" thread from another in re: Locked vs. Disappeared vs. Just Running it's course. I am chagrined to admit that most "versus" and "love" threads have started looking pretty much the same to me.

I think I'll go with adjusting the blue pill dosage. I'm assuming Mike is referring to the Matrix "wake up and believe whatever I wish to believe Blue Pill" and not the other blue pill...
