Local School Drills


New member
The local school here that I pass on the way to work was conducting drills this morning. MAN WITH GUN drills. Not just the school - but the whole Police Department as well.

This is most interesting. Are the schools in "All Y'alls" areas doing the same?

Hmmm...I wish the assistant principal from my hs was still there...ex-Special Forces, one tough brutal mofo in combat, by all accounts. Nicest, most caring guy at other times...

I can easily envision his office holding a Mag58 or somesuch.
Damn i'd kill for those. In my school our intercom bleeps "Rocket alert (the rocket is our mascot) Rocekt alert" and then all of our teachers lock our doors. I have come to the conclusion that if my teacher makes a move for the door, i'm going to be on the otherside when it closes...

Over the last year, I had learned some scary details about staff in my former college. At the time, I had nither competence nor judgement enough to carry...but if I ever have kids, they will not go to school unarmed.

If the conditions prevailing today do not improve, I will act as if at war, and undercover...

Sorry to hear your teachers are idiots and put you in more danger.
I heard on the news here that some schools were doing these drills and in one particular school they locked down and went through everything...it seems there are some goth(what the heck is that), dressing folk and they the school were in high panic....now im not sure if that is the school were the 14 year old printed out a death list or not, but theyve removed him froom school and the parent panic is on in that area...(understandably). I wonder how much of this is copycatted since the media plays this up and for weeks our senses will be assualted with this tradegy that occured in littleton.....btw, Ive a friend who used to live in that town and has children and while he has since moved further into the mountains and dosent live there anymore, he has a solid feel for the people and the area and Ive been trying to reac im but no luck so far.....I know he was scheduled to go to a farnam seminar and it could have been during this time.....fubsy.