Local Police less than helpful - surprised?


New member
So the local teenagers were causing trouble today, as long as they weren't damaging anything other than themselves I was satisfied to leave them alone.

Then the started hitting signs (privately owned) - so I called the PD. According to dispatch they came and spoke with them.

I saw the cruiser come (stay maybe 1 miunute) and leave, the punks stayed around for awhile, left and came back. Kept doing the same BS, what gives.

I guess there is no reason to call the PD anymore. What would you do?

I'm just glad I don't live near te area - but come on......:(
In my 'hood, we have a collection of youth living in a section 8 property on the other side of our horseshoe shaped street. They regularly discharge firearms in this here residential district, operate unlicensed off road vehicles in the street, and play music loud enough to shake every house on the block.

The only homicide around here had witnesses reporting killers fleeing in general direction of this house and reports of a minivan leaving the area immediately after the shooting and fleeing on foot. There is such a vehicle at the house under discussion.

Since late '03 I have been calling in noise, gunshot, and loud music violations. The youth are no longer pre-teens, they are quite big now. Our state police appear to be incapable of catching the clap in a New Orleans house of ill repute. Until a politically charged case is presented to them. Then they wake up and catch bad guy.

Even stranger, whenever I have dealt with a patrol officer such as in the case of one coming out to take a report, they seem very professional. Detectives who investigated the above mentioned homicide made me wish I could re-hire some security guards I previously fired to lead the investigation.

Go figure..........