Local PD lost Form 1 Application

Uncle Malice

New member
So a buddy from work and I both did SBR projects. We live in different cities around the Phoenix area, so we both turned the paperwork in to our respective local PD's for sign off.

After nearly 2 months of waiting, his local PD is stating that they can't find his paperwork and suggested that he resubmit. So now he has to pay for getting fingerprints and passport photos redone, but more importantly, there is now a lost folder with all of his personal information - photos, prints, address, social security number, etc...

The PD is just brushing him off like "Oh, I don't know, I guess it could have been sent to the wrong department, but there's nothing I can do about it. You'll just have to resubmit. Maybe keep an eye on your credit report to make sure that nothing strange happens."

Is there any kind of recourse for this? How can they be so careless with confidential information like that? I tried to search for anyone having a similar experience, but the results gave me things about reporting lost firearms to police and such.

Is this a common occurrence?!
Contact your State Senator and let him or her know how the police are mishandling personal information. They might be able to find the forms if someone important thinks it is a big deal.

If you are lucky enough to have a CLEO that will sign off - just resubmit your paperwork. Make it difficult for your CLEO or get your senator to come down on a CLEO who will sign off does what good exactly???
Well, this is AZ, so getting the sign-off probably isn't a problem. Even if Chandler decides not to sign-off - he can always go to Sheriff Joe.
Well, this is AZ, so getting the sign-off probably isn't a problem.

It used to be easy to get the Sheriff to sign off where I live not even that long ago. Not anymore. People start beating up on the CLEO's for sign-offs and they can easily say "go get a trust".
So now he has to pay for getting fingerprints and passport photos redone, but more importantly, there is now a lost folder with all of his personal information - photos, prints, address, social security number,

Make it difficult for your CLEO or get your senator to come down on a CLEO who will sign off does what good exactly???

Not everyone wants to just knuckle under when the police are careless with personal information or make them pay twice for the same service.

Did they lose the paperwork, or did they "lose" the paperwork? The attitude sounds like the latter, but you would be the best to judge based on the general attitude of the police.

Why did you send in passport photos and prints with it?

They need to sign the form, not mail it to ATF.

Everything I've seen said to have everything in order before giving it to local LE... so passport photos were attached to the form for the LE to sign off. print cards were included in the envelope. Everything was in its own manila envelope.

All of my stuff came back okay. Sucks for him. The PD did offer to re-do his prints for free. He will have to pay for the new photos, but they said once he hands everything back in, they'll have it done for him within 24 hours.

Hopefully they keep their word this time.
This is one of the reasons I just went ahead and did a Trust.
Does anyone know if the Trust route takes longer to clear or is it about the same?
Does anyone know if the Trust route takes longer to clear or is it about the same?

Trust work generally takes about half as long as individual does because there is no personal background investigation.

With that said, the reports are currently that individual form 1's are taking upwards of 6-7 months or more... so getting your stamp back on a trust may take 4 months.

There's a good website to see how long it's taking for other people: http://www.nfatracker.com/
I dunno about that, Uncle Malace.

I waited over 6 months on two form 4s submitted to my trust on the same day.

A friend of mine has been waiting 4 months on a form 4 on a dealer to individual transfer.

Everything is taking a long time.

When I get a chance I will submit a form 4 for myself and one to my trust on the same day and we'll see who wins.
I sent in two 'stamp applications' in December through my trust. I realize that doesn't mean much but I'll be sure to keep everyone posted...
My last two....

F4 Individual, check cashed May 28th, stamp received Oct 17th. 18 weeks or so.

F1 Individual, check cashed August 9th, stamp received January 12th. 22 weeks or so.

It's definately taking longer.
The most shocking part of this thread is not that the form was lost but that there is a CLEO nowadays who actually signs them..

From what I heard WA CLEO signatures are easier to get these days since silencer use became legal in WA State. The issue got lots of publicity after the police realized that they were breaking the law every time they shot suppressed until the law was amended.

Seems like my area in Texas (Comal and Bexar Counties), LEOs won't sign for anything. Just got my Trust set up on Friday so to Hell with them..