Local news TV...Good gun story!


Moderator Emeritus
Was watching the local news and it turns out that there is a big ICORE meet locally and Jerry Miculek will attempt to set 2 new records: 8 shot revolver under 1 sec and 2 shorts per 4 targets in under one second. He was interviewed, he did a demo and the news folks were all giggly (favorable).
Jerry also got a few veiled zingers in about their lack of gun awareness safety aspects. They even encouraged folks to go to the meet.

Very favorable piece, and very surprising and refreshing to me.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, with shooting speeds like that, don't you think Jerry will run afoul of Rosie? After all, a revolver is essentially a semi-automatic, right? Maybe we could limit them to 4 shots ... ;)
Oooohh... I can see Dianne Feinstein (sp) on CNN tomorrow declaring the need to ban high-cap. cylinders, speedloaders, and revolvers in general since, like the 2nd Ammendment itself, they're outdated, not to mention inherently unsafe.
Sorry to go off thread, but in looking at my first post, I just had a strange epiphany of sorts. Read into it what you will...

If the antis are so convinced that the 2nd pertains only to the state's right to maintain a militia/NG, why do they constantly feel compelled to state that it's an outdated right since we live in such a "civilized" society today? It seems to me like they're basically saying "We think we're right, but we're not sure, and even if you are right, you're still wrong." I'm terribly sorry if that didn't make much sense, but it's late. Goodnight.